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June 7, 2021 | 3 min read
By Lyndsay Duncum
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You are cordially invited to attend our three-part webinar series on best practices for using research metrics and indicators effectively.
Join Dr. Andrew Plume for the first in a series of webinars focusing on understanding and getting the best from research metrics and indicators.
In this session, Andrew takes an in-depth look at the statements made in the Leiden Manifesto and the Declaration on Research Assessment. Questions covered include:
Why have these statements recently emerged as a critical topic for discussion?
What do they actually say about best practices for using research metrics in academic settings?
How is Elsevier working to align our policies and practices with the Leiden Manifesto and DORA?
This session takes place on June 8 at 3p.m. CEST, register your place opens in new tab/window.
Dr. Andrew Plume is Vice President of Research Evaluation at Elsevier, President of the International Center for the Study of Research (ICSR) and Chair of the ICSR Advisory Board.
In the second webinar in our series focusing on understanding and getting the best from research metrics and indicators, Lesley Thompson shares insights into the expectations of funding bodies.
Lesley discusses how best to use metrics and indicators in your grant application. Among the topics covered are:
The research funding cycle
Funder wants, needs and other expectations
The centrality of peer review and how this plays a role
What metrics and indicators can support your case
This session takes place on June 15 at 3p.m. CEST and you can register here opens in new tab/window.
Lesley Thompson joined Elsevier in 2016, she is Vice President Academic and Government Relations. Prior to joining Elsevier, Lesley worked for 26 years at the EPSRC. Lesley has always championed early career researchers, interdisciplinary research and diversity. She was a member of the Royal Society Diversity group, Chairs the Oxfordshire Innovation Board and is a member of Keele University Council. In January 2016 was awarded an MBE for services to research.
In our final webinar of the series, join Sahar Abuelbashar to dive deep into how you can apply metrics in the real world.
In this session, Sahar looks at metrics in real-life use cases, asking:
What are wild metrics?
How can you apply research intelligence solutions to find the right metrics to support your case?
How can metrics support strategic decision making?
How can metrics help find partners to support grant applications?
How can you see who is citing your work and from where?
This session takes place on June 22 at 3p.m. CEST, register today opens in new tab/window
Sahar Abuelbashar is a Research Intelligence Consultant, supporting customers in the UK on the responsible use of Elsevier’s analytics solutions. Prior to this Sahar spent over four years at the University of Sussex’s Research Office, working as the Research Metrics Analyst, where she supported the University by producing reports and advising on the understanding, and the responsible use of bibliometrics and altmetrics indicators for research evaluation.