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Fintech and the Remaking of Financial Institutions

Book Companion

Fintech and the Remaking of Financial Institutions

Edition 1

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PowerPoint presentations have been developed as lecture aids for each of the sixteen chapters. Please click the links below to download these materials.

The entrepreneurial startup community is aggressively developing new Fintech applications which are dramatically changing the way financial services and products are delivered, especially to Millennials.

Traditional texts on Financial Markets provide little or no systematic discussion of Fintech in terms of what it is, why now, and what the future might hold. This book fills that void by presenting a balanced, unified view of the role of these new applications in the current and future state of money and banking.

The book is divided into sixteen chapters, covering topics such as: Money, Financial Institutions, Bank Lending, Credit Instruments, Equities, Foreign Exchange, and Derivatives. Each of these chapters provides the reader with an introduction to the economic concepts and includes relevant new Fintech applications. Additional chapters cover topics such as: Bubbles, Panics, Crashes and Crises; Startup Financing; Global Fintech Activity; Fintech and Government Regulation; Social Issues of Income Distribution, Diversity and Inclusiveness; and the Responses of Incumbent Banking Institutions. Each of these chapters contains a background discussion of the  topic as well as specific applications to Fintech companies and services.

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