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User Data and Privacy

Man at front of room, giving presentation and holding tablet

Our commitment

Respecting and protecting user data and privacy are key priorities at Elsevier as maintaining the trust of the people who use our products and services is critically important to us. We are committed to being transparent about the data we use, how it is used, how it is stored, for how long and why. We work closely with the research and healthcare communities that we serve so that, together, we can continually improve the safeguarding of personal data and privacy.

Here you can learn more about our approach to data privacy and the tools available to help our community of users manage their personal data.

Elsevier Privacy Principles

We recognize that the proper handling of personal data is very important to our customers and the communities we serve. We support the right of individuals to manage how their personal information is collected and used. The Elsevier Privacy Principles 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开 reflect our commitment to responsible privacy and security practices.


We carefully use personal data to help us support customers and individual users through customization and personalization options in our products, to inform product development, to operationally monitor our systems, for security purposes and to comply with our legal and contractual obligations.


We tell users about the personal information we collect, including how and why we will use and share it.


Users are given choice over the collection, use and sharing of their personal information.


We depersonalize and aggregate personal information where individual identification is not necessary.


We are committed to acting as a responsible steward of personal information.

Frequently Asked Questions