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Analytical Services: Actionable, customized research performance and impact analysis

Accurate, objective analyses and reports for data-informed decision-making.

Female discussing data with a colleague

Applying industry-leading expertise with high-quality data

Clear insights to drive strategy, guide research management, and deepen your impact

Partnering with you as trusted advisors, we take a consultative approach to bring you custom insights based on a deep understanding of your challenges and objectives.

Business people having a meeting

A global team with local expertise

Analytical Services brings together a global team of dedicated analysts who combine knowledge of regional research and innovation systems with expertise in quantitative and qualitative analyses and data science. As part of Elsevier's global network, we are uniquely positioned to partner with you to identify and leverage trends in research.

Graph showing Elsevier's global network for Analytical Services

Curated reports with powerful visualizations, diversified methods, data sets and tools

Drawing on expertise with a wide variety of indicators, methods, big data, and advanced machine learning, we combine data sets from multiple sources and produce compelling, beautifully visualized analyses.

Colleagues discussing data on a laptop

Partnership for innovation

Curious and open, we work with you to innovate and develop new approaches to analyze and understand the research ecosystem.

Two colleagues shaking hands on a partnership

Analytical Services features:

e-books pictograma móvel

Research and technology landscape

Thematic evaluations of research & technology areas are defined in consultation with you to deliver views of trends, research and innovation leaders, and research impact.
Track outputs and impact

Track the outputs and impact of your funding programs

Evaluate your funding programs' research output and broader impact on society by combining your data with Elsevier's standardized datasets.

National research assessment studies

Custom, large-scale data production and analysis to guide your national research strategy, funding and assessment policy.

Custom data

Rich, raw data sets from RELX's “datalake”, including Scopus, PlumX, and LexisNexis patent data, in a structured XML format to easily integrate into your infrastructure.

Institutional research performance studies

Inform your strategy and understand your institution's research profile through evaluations of your research performance, benchmarked against selected peers.

"The data from Elsevier on global research provide a view of how society tackles problems and can provide insight into what is being done to effect change where there is lack of data from other sources."

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Nancy Caruso


Nancy Caruso

Chief Operating Officer em The Goodness Web