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Clinician of the Future 2023 Education Edition

Discover how medical and nursing students across the world view the challenges facing healthcare

Download the report(abre em uma nova guia/janela)
Clinician of the Future 2023 - Hero Banner for mobile

"The pressures facing current clinicians have not gone unnoticed by today’s students, who share their concerns about the expectations of them once they enter clinical practice, as well as their excitement and caution towards technology and generative AI in healthcare education. The findings give all of us working in healthcare much to consider as we strive to set up today’s students with the best chance of succeeding in their medical careers."

Portrait photo of Jan Herzhoff - President Health Markets at Elsevier


Jan Herzhoff, PhD

Presidente, mercados de saúde

Empowering the next generation of clinicians

Healthcare professionals worldwide are experiencing increasing pressure in their daily work — a challenge that extends to the emerging generation of clinicians. Our report highlights the sentiments of students regarding advanced technology and AI in their education, shedding light on the associated challenges and opportunities. Key needs include supporting students to foster confidence and readiness for the healthcare workforce, encouraging their commitment to studies and patient care careers, and gaining insights from students about the potential of AI. 

Discover more about how students view these challenges — and how all stakeholders in healthcare can respond — in our Clinician of the Future 2023: Education Edition report. Read the full report abre em uma nova guia/janela now.

Key findings

Nueva realidad formativa y asistencial: IA, nuevos modelos y calidad de vida

El pasado 26 de noviembre, el Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid (ICOMEM) acogió la jornada ‘La nueva realidad formativa y asistencial: Inteligencia artificial, cambios de modelo y calidad de vida’. La cita, organizada por Elsevier, reunió a destacadas figuras del ámbito académico y sanitario para discutir los desafíos y oportunidades que enfrenta el sector salud en España.  El evento recogía en su invitación la presentación de las conclusiones del informe ‘Sanitarios del Futuro: retos y oportunidades de las instituciones académicas y sanitarias españolas’.

Training and care practice in the new paradigm created by Generative Artificial Intelligence

With the aim of analyzing the characteristics and demands imposed by the new scenario created by the introduction of AI in the training and clinical practice of health professionals, Elsevier organized the session “Healthcare of the Future: challenges and opportunities for academic institutions and Spanish health services”, an event that brought together prominent representatives of the university and healthcare institutions with the idea of creating a common forum to analyze the current situation, detect the problems that emerge in this new scenario and draw conclusions.

Innovation in Medical Education

The Clinician of the Future 2023 Education Edition provides thought-provoking insights on how students perceive a future working in healthcare and how they view the increased use of AI in education and clinical practice.  

The report highlights digital technology's role in supporting both educators and health students, as they keep pace with evolving curriculums.

Elsevier Health executives share their perspectives on the transformative role of technology, in shaping the future of medical education.

doctors in a room looking at spinal graphic

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Supporting the clinicians of tomorrow

The pressure facing today’s clinicians is also impacting today’s students. How best can we support students to ensure they complete their studies and transition successfully into clinical practice? 

  • 60% of students who participated in our survey worried about their mental health. 

  • 21% of nursing students and 12% of medical students are thinking about quitting their studies.

Supporting the clinicians of tomorrow - Male student discussing medical assessment with female doctor and teacher in hospital

Embracing technology in learning

There is an appetite for utilizing new technology such as AI, but students raised the need for sufficient guidelines and safeguards. 

  • 62% of students in our survey said they felt excited about the use of AI in their education.  

  • They also expressed caution: 51% said they have some worries about the impact of AI on education, and 56% said they had fears about how Generative AI could impact the healthcare community.

Female medical student talking with a friend in class

Preparing for the changing landscape of patient care

Students participating in our research also shared their views on how they envision a career as a clinician and the changes in how patient care will be delivered in the years ahead.  

Female resident physician performing an oxygen mask protocol on a simulation patient

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Uncover the student's perspective on the future of health

Clinician of the Future 2023: Education Edition is here. Discover how medical and nursing students across the world view the challenges facing healthcare.

Explore our newest report