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ScienceDirect for R&D

Insights from published research are essential to generate the fresh ideas that advance R&D. Scientists and engineers rely on the research found in ScienceDirect to drive innovation.

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ScienceDirect contains over 20 million peer-reviewed articles and book chapters

Generate new product ideas or enhance existing products with ScienceDirect's high-quality content and smart search options. Validate potential investments faster and avoid dead ends, and support project decisions around methods, materials and safety.

Elsevier journal articles accounted for over 17% of global research output and 28% of citations, demonstrating Elsevier's commitment to quality and trust compared to the industry average.

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  • Multidisciplinary content sparks innovation: Dive deep into disciplines and learn from innovations in other fields

  • New research for fresh insights: Stay competitive with thousands of new articles and book chapters each year

  • Smart tools to find relevant research fast: Save users' time with filters, alerts, recommended and connected content

  • Peer-reviewed content reduces risk: R&D is costly — reliable, science-based research and data support good decisions

"The research we found on ScienceDirect gave us the key to massively improving the quality of a product that’s already on the market in a fraction of the time we’d expected."

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R&D Director

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A multidisciplinary resource like ScienceDirect expands your researchers’ access to creative solutions from areas outside their normal focus. ScienceDirect's high-quality content generates an unparalleled number of citations.

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ScienceDirect data for applied analytics

ScienceDirect full-text content is available as enriched, machine-readable data. It can be licensed off-platform to:

  • Support semantic search capabilities via semantic enrichment

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  • Train algorithms and create predictive models

We offer flexible data packages based on your needs, supported by a team of data experts to help your projects succeed.

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