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15-18 May 2022 | Online
This conference is organised by Elsevier.
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* On-demand access includes recordings of talks and slides, poster pitches and posters from authors that have agreed for post event distribution: the organisers cannot guarantee on-demand access to all presentations.
Topics include:
Recent advances in the science of surfaces and interfaces
Synthesis, characterisation, modifications, and aging of surfaces and interfaces
Beyond standard surfaces and interfaces: biological applications, medical applications, novel technologies and applications
New sensing surfaces (transducers/devices: thermal, chemical, biochemical, optical, acoustic or force sensors)
New coatings for engineering/technological challenges (state-of-the art accelerators pipe systems, vacuum chambers, space industry, automotive industry, offshore platforms, maritime industry…)
Energy storage
Long lasting and stable surfaces
“Green” surfaces for healthy environments (catalytic surfaces, membranes, biodegradable and/or recyclable surfaces)
Data science-driven research on surfaces and interfaces
Advanced modelling of surfaces and interfaces under operating condition
Meet the esteemed committee members and speakers participating in the conference.
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