在当今复杂的医疗保健环境中,医疗系统面临着在控制高敏锐度患者成本的同时优化结果的挑战。为临床医生提供加强协调护理的工具是实现患者和组织的医疗目标的一种手段。Elsevier 的护理计划将患者故事、循证护理计划指南和标准化评估整合为一个纵向护理计划。通过在不同的环境和学科中分享这个故事,您的临床医生可以提供以人为本的协调护理,支持实现最佳结果。

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在当今复杂的医疗保健环境中,医疗系统面临着在控制高敏锐度患者成本的同时优化结果的挑战。为临床医生提供加强协调护理的工具是实现患者和组织的医疗目标的一种手段。Elsevier 的护理计划将患者故事、循证护理计划指南和标准化评估整合为一个纵向护理计划。通过在不同的环境和学科中分享这个故事,您的临床医生可以提供以人为本的协调护理,支持实现最佳结果。
With Elsevier’s Care Planning, clinicians across specialties work from the same patient-centered care plan. They see a holistic view of the full patient journey, allowing them to focus on the whole person versus a diagnosis to effectively manage all facets of health. In fact, effective care coordination increases HCAHPS ratings by an average of 2.3 percentage points.1 The power of effectively coordinated care plans. Download infographic 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开.
When you break down silos in this way, you can:
Improve workflow efficiency
Drive meaningful care planning
Enable safe, consistent, and optimal patient care delivery
Promote a culture of team-based care across your organization.
Elsevier's Care Planning harmonizes the patient's story, evidence-based care plan guides, and standardized care plan assessments into one longitudinal care strategy. Close the gaps in fragmented care through patient-centered care plans, including comprehensive health assessments with social determinants of health.
Share each patient’s story across settings and disciplines through Elsevier’s robust library of evidence-based care plan guides and nursing care plan templates. Your clinicians will be able to deliver coordinated, person-centered care, and monitor and protect against hospital-acquired conditions, to support shorter lengths of stay and optimal outcomes.