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Sherpath® for Health Professions – teaching and learning technology

This innovative teaching and learning technology offers interactive course content with a wealth of assignment types, assessment tools, and teaching resources to help engage students and achieve your learning objectives.

Sherpath for Health Professions

Engage students with dynamic, interactive content

Discover Elsevier’s digital teaching and learning technology built specifically for healthcare education! Sherpath powers trusted Elsevier texts with all-in-one digital resources that streamline class preparation and assessment and give students personalized help to reach their learning goals. Sherpath fully includes the ebook content for one-stop digital course delivery.

Sherpath for Health Professions

Sherpath for health professions offers additional key features including

Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing

Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing

Adaptive quizzing allows you to create relevant quizzes on a wide variety of topics to facilitate student knowledge application with high-quality practice questions.

Performance Dashboard & Reporting

Comprehensive assignment dashboards and analytics put vital performance data at your fingertips. Enabling faculty to quickly identify individuals who may be struggling.

Course Plan

Course Plan enables you to easily drag and drop modules based on your schedule, assign lessons*, and make relevant materials and reading passages available to students.
Enhanced Test Banks

Enhanced Test Banks

This convenient feature gives you all-in-one access to your test bank from your Sherpath courses. *Only available for select Sherpath collections.
Teaching Materials & eBook

Teaching Materials & eBook

Relevant teaching resources, class activities, and reading recommendations from your Elsevier eBook easily made visible to students through Sherpath’s course plan.
Sherpath HP Comprehensive Digital Lessons

Comprehensive Digital Lessons

Gauge student understanding through confidence indicators, adaptive remediation, and assessments. *Only available for select Sherpath collections.