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Digital event hub

On demand and live webinars for the research community.

researcher looking at iPad and monitor


To support academic and research-focused professionals, Elsevier's digital events hub features a calendar of upcoming live presentations and a library of on-demand webinars in English, ranging in topics from ScienceDirect search tips to assessing research impacts on society.

April 15th to May 27th, 2024

Scopus Certification Cohort 1, 2024

We are excited to invite you to register for this program and take your Scopus skills to new heights.

To secure your spot in this cohort make sure to register in time. Following registration you will receive an email to acknowledge your interest and confirmation of your participation if accepted.

What can you expect: This six-week online certification program covers six modules: Topical Search, Author Identity, Metrics, Scopus APIs, Institutional Insights and User Outreach.

The total time commitment is six hours: one hour per week as modules are released over six weeks. You can complete the work on a day or time convenient for you.

As a Scopus Certified Librarian, you will have an opportunity to:

  • Gain insight into research sources, collaboration, and metrics 

  • Establish and evolve user programs for your library users 

  • Develop new skills and competencies in research discovery and evaluation

  • Share your learning experience with peers to advance librarian opportunities and development.

On-demand recorded sessions

Solution deep dive

Find more recorded sessions and tutorials on different languages on our YouTube channel(abre em uma nova guia/janela)

Duas pessoas trabalhando em um notebook juntas

On-demand RDM webinar series

From strategy to impact, discover how Elsevier's solutions can help you advance in research data management.

We invite you to use the resources you'll find on this page to bring your RDM journey further: watch the recorded sessions, read our selection of factsheets, whitepapers and articles and stay tunned for future live sessions and webinars with experts.

Meet the European customer consultant team

Michaela Klosterkamp


Michaela Klosterkamp

Consultant Research Platform

Ler mais sobre Michaela Klosterkamp
Vishal Gupta


Vishal Gupta

Senior Customer Consultant- UK South

Ler mais sobre Vishal Gupta
David den Aantrekker


David den Aantrekker

Customer Consultant- BeneLux, Denmark, France and Iceland

Ler mais sobre David den Aantrekker
Eva Lejla Podgoršek


Eva Lejla Podgoršek

Consultant Research Platform

Ler mais sobre Eva Lejla Podgoršek
Pablo Secades


Pablo Secades

Customer Consultant- Spain, Greece, Cyprus and Malta


Ler mais sobre Pablo Secades
Sebastiano Rossito


Sebastiano Rossito

Senior Customer Consultant- Italy and Israel

Ler mais sobre Sebastiano Rossito
Anja Zimmermann


Anja Saatweber

Customer Consultant- Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Ler mais sobre Anja Saatweber
Sergio Vidal


Sergio Vidal

Customer Consultant- Finland, Norway, Portugal, and Sweden

Ler mais sobre Sergio Vidal
Giulia Moncelsi


Giulia Moncelsi, PhD

Life Sciences Consultant


Ler mais sobre Giulia Moncelsi, PhD