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Publique con nosotros

ClinicalPath Data Submission Form

To submit data, complete the online form or download this form se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana and return it via email se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana along with any attachments.

  • Submissions will be catalogued and reviewed as part of standard processes.

  • Information previously submitted should not be re-submitted unless updated with new information.

Published clinical studies

  • Only published data will be accepted (either peer-reviewed journal or abstract at a national or international oncology meeting).

  • Do not submit economic data; it will not be reviewed.

  • Both labeled and off-label information are acceptable but only for current ClinicalPath Diseases. No data should be submitted before initial drug approval by FDA.

  • Please provide the DOI and/or full citation, PubMed or meeting abstract link, if possible.

Supplemental drug information

  • Supplemental drug information or patient education materials may be submitted using this online form.

Financial assistance information

  • Financial assistance information may be submitted using this online form.