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Elsevier ranked #2 worldwide for work-life balance

4 de octubre de 2023

Por Catherine Adenle

Taking a break from work in the UK (Photo by Alison Bert)

Comparably names Elsevier among the top large companies for work-life balance and happiness, based on employee surveys.

Recently, Comparably — the global workplace culture and compensation monitoring site — named its Top 100 companies for work-life balance(se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana), and I’m delighted to say that Elsevier ranked second.

The list highlights the highest-rated workplace cultures of large companies (more than 500 employees) with an international footprint. Ratings are derived from current employees around the world who provided anonymous feedback on within the past 12 months. That makes the rankings especially important as they come from the people whose opinion matters most — our own employees.

We also ranked #17 out of 100 large global companies as a Top Company for Happiest Employees(se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana). Comparably Co-founder/CEO Jason Nazar commented on the importance of happiness as a metric:

“Our data shows that the happiest employees are often those who feel valued by their employers through a variety of factors like competitive compensation, clear goals, work-life balance, and a general excitement working for their organizations. The top-rated companies on our annual list succeed at meeting the needs of their workers across these very important factors.”

Jason Nazar


Jason Nazar

Co-Founder/CEO en Comparably

With that in mind, here's what our people have been saying about their Elsevier experience.

Vigneshwaran Velayudham, Senior Systems Engineer in India shared his thoughts via LinkedIn(se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana):

I would like to commend Elsevier for its exceptional dedication to fostering a work-life balance, maintaining professional management practices, and driving technological advancements in the field of science and research. The company's commitment to these areas sets it apart as a leading organization that truly values its employees and contributes significantly to the advancement of knowledge and innovation.

Vigneshwaran Velayudham

Vigneshwaran Velayudham

In a recent podcast, Key Lee, a Solution Sales Manager in South Korea, described Elsevier as “an organization where work-life balance is secured.” You can read more from Key Lee and colleagues in this LinkedIn post(se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana).

Finally, when Elsevier was named one of the best companies for working daughters (and sons), Susan Ikeda a Senior Editorial Project Manager based in Elsevier’s San Diego office wrote:

My manager supported me in ways I didn’t think possible — flextime, empowering me to cancel meetings, and helping me find support in Elsevier. I was so preoccupied with my mom that I didn’t think about checking all that Elsevier has to offer.

Photo of Susan Ikeda with her mother

Susan Ikeda and her mother
