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Originally developed as a response to a memo issued by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the CHORUS service leverages existing infrastructure to help with the access, compliance, discovery and preservation of peer-reviewed articles.


Elsevier is a founding member of CHORUS and, along with fellow publishers, actively developed and piloted the CHORUS service to provide a low cost compliance service for open access.

How it works

CHORUS is designed to address the critical pain points of providing open access by:

  • Increasing compliance

  • Accessing the best available version of an article

  • Maximizing the benefit from existing, proven infrastructure

  • Avoiding duplication of effort

  • Providing transparent reporting and tracking for funders and institutions

CHORUS utilizes publishers’ infrastructure for access to full-text and partners with dark archives CLOCKSS and Portico to ensure long-term preservation of scientific and medical research. It also provides participating funders and institutions with dashboard reporting in order to monitor and track compliance.

Supported partners

At Elsevier, all journals participate in CHORUS for researchers affiliated with participating agencies and universities. In 2016, we made over 3,000 accepted manuscripts available for US-partner funding agencies as part of the CHORUS service. Currently, we support:

  • US National Science Foundation

  • US Department of Defense

  • US Department of Energy

  • Smithsonian Institute

  • US Geological Survey

  • National Institute of Standards and Technology

  • US Department of Agriculture

  • Pilots in the US with the University of Denver and University of Florida

  • Pilots in Japan with the Japan Science & Technology Agency and with the University of Chiba

  • Pilots in Australia with the Australian Research Council and La Trobe University

In practice, this means we host the open manuscript on ScienceDirect, making these publicly accessible after the embargo period expires. We also provide free Scopus access to pilot universities.

Frequently asked questions