New: Clinician of the Future 2023 report to navigate the rapidly evolving world of healthcare

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ClinicalKey streamlines the path to consistent, evidence-based information. It provides physicians with everything they need to stay abreast of rapidly expanding clinical knowledge — from quick answers at the point of care to deep reference information.
With Elsevier’s ClinicalKey, your physicians are connected to trusted answers and the most current evidence, regardless of the topic or specialty. And because they can quickly shift from synoptic content to related deep-reference information, they can get the answers they need, when they need them.
Content for more than 30 medical and surgical specialties in topical summaries, journals and books
Concise, comprehensive, evidence-based coverage of the issues physicians face every day
Intuitive interface that serves up the most relevant content — from topical summaries to journals and books
To be as efficient as the volume and sophistication of today’s patients require, your physicians have to answer increasingly challenging questions at the point of care. With Elsevier’s ClinicalKey, they can quickly access trusted information, both synoptic and in-depth clinical content, all from the same platform.
Clinical Overviews provide evidence-based answers across the broadest range of topics and specialties
Latest clinical evidence and findings refreshed continuously
Opportunity to earn CME 1 and fulfill MOC requirements with the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) 2
If your physicians want to continually evolve their practice as part of their knowledge journey, they need to be able to find, synthesize and apply research.
With Elsevier’s ClinicalKey, they can build foundational knowledge on any topic through a world-class collection of reference books, and augment that with the most current research and findings found in full-text journals.
Clinicians need trustworthy, evidence-based information to inform a variety of moments in their careers. Elsevier’s ClinicalKey is quickly evolving to become healthcare’s leading clinical decision support solution. ClinicalKey’s expanded capabilities and enhanced user interface now enable your clinicians to easily access the medical knowledge they need to inform the critical moments they encounter every day.
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Clinical Research
Subscriptions for 10 or more practitioners, and is designed for:
Academic institutions
Monthly and yearly subscription options for individual users are available for all 43 specialty packages.2
Medical professionals
1 The Elsevier Office of Continuing Medical Education (EOCME) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. In 2015, EOCME received Accreditation with Commendation. This is ACCME’s highest award status, reflecting compliance with not only ACCME’s core criteria, but also the additional commendation criteria, which demonstrate engagement with the environment to further physician learning and change
2 This may not be applicable to all countries outside North America