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Get the evidence-based information you need

At Elsevier, we provide physicians with intuitive solutions that help them find and apply current, relevant knowledge to make informed decisions and drive enhanced patient outcomes.

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Solutions for Physicians

Evidence-based oncology decision support and analytics for cancer care

ClinicalPath (formerly Via Oncology) presents evidence-based, oncology pathways embedded in the clinical workflow — with the associated analytics — to help oncologists make consistent, well-informed decisions.

Recommended products:

Clinical Decision Support Solutions
Physician Checking Ipad Flow of Patient

Diagnostic decision support for pathology

ExpertPath is a comprehensive pathology decision support solution guided by recognized pathology experts that provides access to trusted anatomic and clinical information.

Recommended products:

Clinical Reference Solutions
Doctor using microscope with overlay of basal cell carsinoma content

Decision support system for immunohistochemistry

ImmunoQuery allows diagnostic opinions to be done in a cost effective manner by helping pathologists identify the most likely antibodies that will be of value for any given case.

Recommended products:

Clinical Reference Solutions
Physician looking petridish diagnosis panel_benefit

Diagnostic decision support for radiology

STATdx is a comprehensive and trusted diagnostic support tool for radiologists when checking diagnoses and analyzing complex or unusual cases.

Recommend products:

Clinical Reference Solutions
Physician pointing imagery statdx_benefit