Information Processing & Management Conference: Plenary presentations and interactive discussions on submitted papers and posters

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The Information Processing & Management Conference 2022 (IP&MC2022) will publish cutting-edge original research articles at the intersection of computing, communication, and information science concerning theory, methods, or applications in a range of domains. IP&MC integrates the conference and journal publishing modes, offering researchers the advantages of conference feedback and journal dissemination of their research in a single seamless stream.
Manuscript submission deadline — 31 July 2022
Thematic Tracks for IP&MC2022 (which will also be special issues in IP&M) are:
Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (VSI: IPMC2022 HCAI)
AI + Informetrics: Robust Models for Large-scale Analytics (VSI: IPMC2022 AI+INFO)
Science Behind Neural Language Models (VSI: IPMC2022 MODELS)
Machine and Human Factors in Misinformation Management (VSI: IPMC2022 MISINFO)
Privacy-Preserving Methods and Applications in Big Data Processing (VSI: IPMC2022 PRIVACY)
IP&MC2022 Interdisciplinary Topics (VSI: IPMC2022 INTERDISCIPLINE)
Machine Learning in Psychology & Social Science (VSI: IPMC2022 PSYCH)
Emerging Paradigms: Edge Intelligence, Federated Learning, and Blockchain (VSI: IPMC2022 EMERGING)
You can submit as many abstracts to the conference for review as you would like. If, after the review by the committee, you have more than one paper accepted for the conference, you will need to register to attend and pay an additional paper fee for each additional paper (i.e., for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th papers — not the 1st). Please note this is for papers that you are the presenting author of, not papers that you are co-author of.
There is also a poster track for publication in conference proceedings and a call for workshops.
We invite original paper submissions that have not been previously published and are not under consideration elsewhere. All submissions should adhere to the IP&M Author Guidelines. opens in new tab/window
Note: Posters should be a maximum of 4 pages, plus references. Posters will not be a special issue in IP&M. Posters will be published in a conference proceeding.
Note: IP&M has a strict ‘no preprint’ policy. See IP&M Author Guidelines. opens in new tab/window
Accepted full papers will be presented at the conference and, with revisions based on conference feedback, published in IP&M in the appropriate special issue as full journal articles.
Posters will be presented at the conference and published in conference proceedings.
All IP&MC submissions are managed through the Editor Manager system opens in new tab/window that guides you stepwise through the process of entering your manuscript details and uploading your files. To ensure that manuscripts are correctly assigned to the correct track, authors must select the appropriate VSI option when reaching the “Article Type Selection / Issue selection” step during submission. For the appropriate VSI option, see Thematic Tracks listing above.
Below are the standard publication options:
Full papers: Conference Presentation => Publication in IP&M
Posters: Conference Presentation => Publication in conference proceedings
Note: Some authors of full papers may desire a conference proceeding in addition to the IP&M journal article. In these cases, authors may submit a four-page plus references conference version of their paper for publication in the conference proceedings. In these cases, authors should submit the conference version via selecting the VSI poster track, noting in a cover letter that the submission is a companion to a full paper presentation.
We are now welcoming proposals for thematic conference tracks for IP&MC2022, and accepted tracks will also be special issues in the journal Information Processing & Management (IP&M). You can submit a proposal using Guidelines for Special Issues — Information Processing & Management opens in new tab/window.
Proposals are welcome on or before 15 December 2021. Reviews of proposal submissions will be rolling.
Thematic tracks organized by experts in a particular area constitute the core of IP&MC2022. These tracks are intended to provide forums for the discussion of novel topics in the fields of computational, communication, or information science among an international group of researchers.
IP&MC-IP&M is committed to being the premier conference-journal outlet in the computational science fields, including communication, information science, analytics, social media computing, information retrieval, information behavior, and related areas. This scope includes human-computer interaction (HCI) aspects of any area in the information science field.
We, therefore, welcome a broad range of thematic tracks. If you have an original, impactful thematic track that you believe will convey something important, the IP&MC community members want to know about it.
Sample topics for thematic tracks could be:
Edge Analytics and Edge Intelligence
Intelligent Tourism
Lightweight Machine Learning
Healthcare Informatics
Social Computing Analytics
Post-Covid Infodemic and Recovery
All conference track proposals must follow the IP&M journal special issue proposal guidelines opens in new tab/window. Proposals are welcome on or before 15 December, 2021. Reviews of proposal submissions will be rolling.
There will be a maximum of 6 accepted tracks. Once 6 are accepted for IP&MC2022, the submissions will close.
Manuscripts should follow the IP&M author guidelines. Reviews of submissions will be rolling.
Thematic track chairs will have roles similar to that of a guest editor of a journal special issue. Track organizers are required to review the track’s submission based on the same criteria used at the IP&M journal.
Papers accepted to the thematic tracks will be presented at IP&MC2022, during which the authors will receive additional feedback from the community members on their research. Authors will then have a short period post-conference to revise their papers. These revised papers will be given premium handling at IP&M, and, if accepted, published in IP&M as full journal articles.
The primary responsibilities are:
Advertising the IP&MC track through different channels and inviting researchers to submit
Coordinating the review process (2 to 5 reviews per paper)
Advising on editorial decision
Suggesting a track program
Communicating with the track’s authors and IP&MC conference chairs
Coming to the conference in-person to lead the track session as a discussant (See discussant roles: opens in new tab/window)