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Digital Commons 資料

Digital Commons 資料是一個機構資料儲存庫,供研究人員、管理員和資料管理員儲存、管理、發布和保存機構的研究資料集。


Digital Commons Data module overview

Effortlessly preserve and showcase your research data

Digital Commons Data streamlines your institution's research data management (RDM) program, ensuring compliance and enhancing your reputation. It provides full control over datasets and offers a branded page for showcasing research data.

Automatic updates reduce administrative burden, and integration with Data Monitor allows you to showcase research data from over 2,000 open repositories. Developed with TRUST principles, it ensures long-term preservation with DANS and adheres to FAIR data principles.

Evolving patterns of extreme publishing behavior across science web preview

Managing research data can be challenging

Manage your institution's research data—from upload to moderation to publishing. Our branded, secure, user-friendly solution offers comprehensive metrics around data use that can support your institution. It facilitates both internal and external collaboration, supporting your partnerships worldwide and providing flexible access control.

When integrated with Data Monitor, it automatically displays datasets from your institution found in the 2,000+ indexed open repositories. This significantly reduces the effort required to track and report your research data, making it easily discoverable and reusable.

RDM Video

"We wanted researchers to be able to manage project data through its lifecycle seamlessly. From planning and collection to storage and analysis, and publication to archival or disposal. This led to us embarking on an ambitious project."


Dr. Anesh Nair

University of Canberra 的 Manager, Research Ethics, Integrity and eResearch

Drive the administration and curation of your research data

Enhance your institution’s research visibility and impact and streamline your research data management with Digital Commons Data.

  • Full Control: Administrators can manage datasets, customize the showcase page and audit repository activity with customizable metadata options

  • Moderation: Moderators can approve datasets or request edits before publication

  • FAIR Compliance: Designed to help make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable

  • Comprehensive Reports: Detailed usage and engagement reports with PlumX metrics

  • Robust Security: High-level security and data encryption included

Elsevier Data Repository dashboard preview

Expert support for your institutional data from our Consulting Services Team

  • Quick Launch: Get up and running swiftly with support on a customized URL (yours or ours) while ensuring NIH compliance.

  • Dedicated Training and Support: Our Digital Commons Data experts specialize in datasets, FAIR principles, and research data collaboration tools. We provide comprehensive training and support to help you find, store, and share your institutional data following best practices.

Partner with us to support your data management and compliance needs.

Man working on a desk with laptop
Case Study about Building an integrated research data management framework around Pure Preview

Case Study: Find out how the University of Canberra leveraged Digital Commons and Pure to boost their RDM program

Download case study 打開新的分頁/視窗

Current DC Data Customers

University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Research University

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University of Milano-Bicocca logo

IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Italy

Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization, and Healthcare

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IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele logo

Simón Bolívar University, Venezuela

Research University

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Simón Bolívar University logo

University of South Florida

Research University

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University of South Florida logo

Washington University School of Medicine

School of Medicine

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Washington University School of Medicine logo

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