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透過 Digital Commons 展示您所在機構的研究和學術工作

Digital Commons 幫助機構保存、分享、展示、出版和推廣研究成果、學術成果和藏書,提供四個模組,您可以單獨操作,也可以組合使用,以優化機構的影響力——無論其規模或使命如何 。

Digital commons hero animation still

Boost the visibility of your institution’s scholarly output



透過 Digital Commons 模組,可以優化每種內容類型的儲存、保存和推廣。

The Modern IR Webinar Preview Image

Publish and share high-quality open access journals with minimal effort or platform expertise

Digital Commons Journals empowers your institution to create a world-class open access journal publishing program. In addition to industry-leading visibility and indexation by Google Scholar, your journals benefit from dedicated technical support and expert advice.

Importantly, the solution greatly reduces the administrative burden on your editorial teams and shortens publication times for authors. And you can rest assured that your journals are hosted on a secure and stable platform with automatic releases and customization options.

Explore the Journals Module

Webinar preview image

Develop and deliver virtual collections that highlight key moments of institutional scholarship

With Digital Commons Exhibits, you can develop and deliver virtual collections to showcase and contextualize your institution’s digital content. The intuitive and flexible interface makes it easy to manage, customize and curate exhibits, while the museum-quality designs enable you to create compelling stories.

Digital Commons Exhibits is the only exhibits solution integrated with an institutional repository (the Digital Commons IR), streamlining common workflows and saving administrators substantial time and effort.

Explore the Exhibits Module

DC Case Study Video Preview Image

Create and manage an institutional data repository for your researchers and administrators

Digital Commons Data stores, manages, publishes, preserves and showcases your institution's research data. As an Elsevier solution, it provides global visibility and support for your research data management program. Not only is it scalable and easy to customize, it also provides usage analytics, including PlumX Metrics.

This module integrates with other Elsevier solutions; for example, Data Monitor. The integration automatically displays datasets from your institution found in the 2,000+ open repositories that Data Monitor indexes.

Explore the Data Module

Website Teaser of Elsevier's Data Repository

Gain strategic insight into your institution's success with Digital Commons' Dashboards

Leading analytics tools like the Digital Commons Dashboard support editors, authors and administrators and allow users to measure and report on the impact their work is having locally and around the world.

The Digital Commons Dashboard shows the specific organizations and regions that are engaging with your work, and how they’re finding it, so you can better identify research trends, potential funders, and collaborations.

The granular metrics and key insights these dashboards provide are a great resource for understanding impact and guiding data-driven strategy development.

World map showing readership distribution

Seamless support for your repository management with our Consulting Services team

Eliminate concerns over storage, hosting, and upgrades with our comprehensive support. Our team provides personalized training, tailored site configuration, and prompt support, typically responding within one business day. Whether you prefer to write or call, our team is like an extra member of your staff, ready to assist you every step of the way. Contact us to learn more about our training courses and IR Manager Certification Courses.

Two people working on a desk with laptop being guided by a professional

Digital Commons 適用於:

Demonstrate impact picto


People picto


Academic picto


研究、畢業設計和服務計畫的永久性可搜尋記錄 以及電子論文。
Enterprise customer hub picto


Big data picto


Maximize impact picto



雖然我們規模不大,但我們熱衷於參與國內和國際活動--Digital Commons 為我們提供了這種連接性,並已成為學院中備受喜愛的平台。

Headshot of Marie O'Neill


Marie O’Neill

愛爾蘭都柏林 CCT 學院研究力提升主管

與我們的銷售團隊聯繫,以了解有關Digital Commons 的更多訊息

Woman working on laptop