
Wenyu Zhang
University of Oxford, UK
Wenyu Zhang is a DPhil student in the department of Materials at the University of Oxford, under the supervision of Dr. Paul Bagot, Prof. Chris Grovenor, and Prof. Michael Moody. Wenyu’s project aims to use a combination of characterisation techniques of atom probe tomography (APT), transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD), and transmission electron microscope (TEM) to understand in-service corrosion mechanisms at micron to atomic level of Zr cladding alloys in light water reactors. The project is part of the UK EPSRC funded MIDAS programme and focuses on X2 and ZIRLO® alloys in the baseline and ex-reactor states (Vogtle Plant – Georgia, US), provided by Westinghouse. Wenyu is an expert on APT, including sample preparation using multiple focused ion beam (FIB) systems, and data reconstruction and analysis. He also prepares APT samples at cryo temperatures (-130°C) and works on radioactive samples at the UK atomic energy authority (UKAEA) Materials Research Facility.