
Jean Noirot
CEA, France
Jean NOIROT is a Nuclear Fuel Behavior Expert at the Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives (CEA, France). Since 1991 he is working in the field of nuclear fuel post-irradiation examinations in the CEA-Cadarache LECA-STAR high activity laboratory facility.
With techniques going from gammametry to microanalyses, he has gained a wide experience on fuel behavior, be it fast breeder reactor fuels, pressurized reactor fuels, including MOX fuels, or Material Testing Reactor fuels. His work also covers fuel dedicated experimentation in French or foreign test reactors and accidental situation out-of-pile testing using various annealing techniques, with a particular focus on the post-test characterizations. Among his activities, since 2006 he is, for CEA, responsible for the fuel section of the NFIR international program.