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  • ISSN: 0341-8162

Next planned ship date: April 30, 2024

  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.4
  • Impact factor: 6.2

Catena is an interdisciplinary Journal of Soil Science that publishes papers describing original field and laboratory investigations and reviews on landscape evolution and ge… Read more

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Next planned ship date:
April 30, 2024

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Catena is an interdisciplinary Journal of Soil Science that publishes papers describing original field and laboratory investigations and reviews on landscape evolution and geoecology with emphasis on aspects of soil science, hydrology and geomorphology. It aims to disseminate new knowledge and foster better understanding of the physical environment, of evolutionary sequences that have resulted in past and current landscapes, and of the natural processes that are likely to determine the fate of our terrestrial environment. Papers within any one of the above topics are welcome provided they are scientifically novel and of sufficiently wide interest and relevance. Reviews are expected to critically discuss and synthesize findings and approaches on topics falling within the core aim of Catena. Papers just summarizing literature results, and bibliometric analyses will not be considered. Comments are considered for publication only if they bring important scientific new elements and/or corrections on substantial aspects of previously published articles. They should be brief (no more than 2 journal pages i.e. ca. 2000 words).

The following types of submissions will not be considered:

Studies without explicit relation to landscape.

Groundwater studies.

Geobotanical, ecological and vegetation studies with no (or limited) relation to soil, hydrology, geomorphology or landscape evolution.

Chemical laboratory experiments focussing predominantly on the identification/description of chemical and nano-surface reactions with no relation to the field situation.

Field or laboratory studies for purely geotechnical purposes that are more appropriate for environmental engineering.

Surface runoff or runoff studies having no relation to soil or geomorphic change (e.g., sediment transport would relate to surface processes and, thus, geomorphology).

Microbiological studies with no relation to soil formation and landscape.

Comparison of the performance of models (process-based, machine learning) and their robustness with no or only a minimal landscape-learning effect.

Agricultural/crop production experiments without a solid relation to landscape.

Purely geological studies.

Purely Meteorological studies.

Studies on ecosystem services and land use planning.

Regionally oriented studies without novelty in approach or method.

Studies comparing a range of statistical methods without reflection on the landscape-process causing performance differences between methods.

The Editors-in-Chief do not accept presubmission enquiries and invite authors to check the Guide for Authors and the Aims and Scope to determine if a manuscript is likely to be of interest to the journal.