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Drug Information Solutions

Drug information you and your patients can trust

Using today’s technology and evidence-based content, your healthcare professionals can help solve daily medication challenges.

Elderly woman phone medication Patient education clinical calculator Header.jpg

Smarter decisions at point of care

  • Inform medication decisions

  • Enhance patient care and drug safety

  • Improve drug therapy outcomes

  • Manage drug costs

  • Empower smart clinical and business decisions

Pharmacist Medicine drawer finding Benefit

Use flexible technology to access drug information across healthcare specialties

  • Leverage the power of daily data delivery for quick access to trusted content

  • Enhance IT and operational value for customers

  • Solve daily medication challenges

  • Track and analyze drug data

  • Ensure regulatory compliance

  • Boost workflow efficiency

  • Optimize operational and financial performance

Pharmacist clinic ipad checking Benefit

Drug Information Solutions


Learn more about how our Drug Information Solutions can help you support your care teams
