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Sherpath® – 教育・学習テクノロジー


Sherpath features and benefits

Engage students with dynamic, interactive content

  • Lesson assignments with multimedia, micro quizzes, and post-lesson assessments

  • Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing (EAQ) with high-quality questions and targeted remediation

  • Carefullly curated collections of Osmosis videos are seamlessly integrated into select Sherpath courses

  • Relevant teaching resources, class activities, and reading recommendations from your Elsevier ebook

  • Comprehensive assignment dashboards and performance analytics

  • For select collections: case-based virtual simulations, skills exercises with digital checkoff tools, and seamless product integration

Example illustration from Osmosis: how to collect a sample by venipuncture

Prepare nursing students for the Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN)

It's essential to give students early and frequent practice with NGN item types. Sherpath helps you seamlessly integrate clinical judgment and NGN prep into the curriculum through newly developed cases and items for the NGN. Key features include:

  • Questions modeled after NCSBN® item types that give students practical test-taking experience

  • EAQ performance dashboards that gauge student progress and success

  • Rationales that students can review an unlimited number of times after assignment completion for continued practice

Young female studying for exam with overlay of EAQ questions

Through a single interface, Sherpath delivers:


Lesson Assignment

Digital lessons create an engaging, didactic experience to better help students achieve learning objectives.
Follow-up questions


Adaptive quizzing allows you to create relevant quizzes on a wide variety of topics to facilitate student knowledge application with high-quality practice questions.
Book picto

Teaching Materials & eBook

Relevant teaching resources, class activities and reading recommendations from your Elsevier eBook can easily be made visible to students through Sherpath’s course plan.
Clinical practice picto


Comprehensive assignment dashboards and analytics put vital performance data at your fingertips. Enabling faculty to quickly identify individuals who may be struggling.
Empowering knowledge picto


Deliver skills exercises with digital checkoff tools to help evaluate student competency on important skills outside of the clinical environment.
logo Osmosis from Elsevier


Osmosis actively engages students through bite-sized, illustrated health education videos.