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Mother and child in lavender field


研究がどのように気候変動効果の緩和に向けた努力を加速できるかについての独特なインサイトを得るために、データをコンテンツや専門知識と組み合わせて使います。排出ゼロを2040年までに達成することを目標として、温室効果ガスの迅速な削減を 企業として取り組んでいます 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く

Report cover image with the word 2023 Accelerating Climate Action

Our progress on accelerating climate action

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How we take action

Reducing our own impact on the planet

We have been working to reduce our environmental impact for over a decade in areas such as office energy use, business travel and operations. By changing our workflows and processes and by embedding climate responsibility into how we work every day, we can drive down our own emissions.

Discover how we reduce our impact

In a forest with sun beaming toward the camera

Advancing research and insights

Science and research underpin the global transition to net zero. We are working with the global research community to promote peer-reviewed research and data-led insights to help turn knowledge into evidence-based policy and action.

Discover how we advance research

Asian man working on an ice patch in the artic

Partnering for action

Addressing climate change is complex and requires collaboration. We are working with governments, NGOs and other organizations to educate, engage and support targeted action.

Discover how we partner for action

Group of female women in Africa working on scientific tool

Climate Advisory Board guiding our actions

Our independent Climate Advisory Board advises us on key actions and initiatives to deliver a net zero future. The Board explores best practice for driving progress on climate change solutions, provides perspective and advocates for science- based decisions and action needed to address the climate emergency.

Addressing climate change is a multi-faceted challenge for an organization like Elsevier. It is our responsibility to act not only in terms of our operational emissions but also to use our unique content, products and networks to influence broader action. Having expert guidance to steer our actions enables us to make high quality science-based decisions related to climate impact. It also helps us to evolve our initiatives in this critical area and foster understanding of crucial climate change topics, both within the communities we support and beyond.

– Stuart Whayman, Managing Director, Researchers and Librarians, Co-Chair of the Climate Advisory Board

Find our more about the climate advisory board