ESMO Events 2024
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Welcome to our ESMO Virtual Congress site where we showcase the very best from ESMO's flagship portfolio.
ESMO Immuno-Oncology 2024 opens in new tab/window
The event brings together oncologists, researchers, healthcare professionals, and industry representatives from Asia and around the world.
This international event provides an advanced educational programme and showcases recent scientific developments in this promising and fast-evolving field.
From the basics of immunotherapies to the latest research results; from understanding different treatment options to the management of toxicities and interpretation of new data, this event will cater to the diverse needs of oncology stakeholders with an interest in this topical field of cancer treatment.
Take part in this meeting to learn, share your research and expertise and connect with the stakeholders that are making a difference in the field.
Below a collection of papers recently published in ESMO’s premier journals carefully selected to reflect the themes of the meeting.
Annals of Oncology
Adjuvant immunotherapy in patients with resected gastric and oesophagogastric junction cancer following preoperative chemotherapy with high risk for recurrence (ypN+ and/or R1): European Organisation of Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) 1707 VESTIGE study opens in new tab/window F. Lordick ∙ M.E. Mauer ∙ G. Stocker∙ C.A. Cella ∙ I. Ben-Aharon ∙ G. Piessen ∙ L. Wyrwicz ∙ G. Al-Haidari∙ T. Fleitas-Kanonnikoff ∙ V. Boige ∙ R. Lordick Obermannová ∙ U.M. Martens ∙ C. Gomez-Martin ∙ P. Thuss-Patience ∙ V. Arrazubi ∙ A. Avallone ∙ K.K. Shiu ∙ P. Artru ∙ B. Brenner ∙ C. Buges Sanchez ∙ I. Chau ∙ S. Lorenzen ∙ S. Daum ∙ M. Sinn∙ B. Merelli ∙ N.C.T. van Grieken ∙ M. Nilsson ∙ M. Collienne ∙ A. Giraut ∙ E. Smyt
Efficacy of subsequent therapies in patients with advanced ovarian cancer who relapse after first-line olaparib maintenance: results of the PAOLA-1/ENGOT-ov25 trial opens in new tab/window P. Harter ∙ C. Marth ∙ M.-A. Mouret-Reynier ∙ C. Cropet ∙ D. Lorusso ∙ E.M. Guerra-Alía ∙ T. Matsumoto ∙ I. Vergote ∙ N. Colombo ∙ J. Mäenpää ∙ C. Lebreton ∙ N. de Gregorio ∙ A.M. Mosconi ∙ M.J. Rubio-Pérez ∙ H. Bourgeois ∙ P.A. Fasching ∙ S.C. Cecere ∙ A.-C. Hardy-Bessard ∙ D. Denschlag ∙ S. de Percin ∙ L. Hanker ∙ L. Favier ∙ D. Bauerschla,† ∙ C. Desauw ∙ P. Hillemanns ∙ R. Largillier ∙ J. Sehouli ∙J. Grenier∙ E. Pujade-Lauraine ∙ I. Ray-Coquard on behalf of the PAOLA-1/ENGOT-ov25 investigators‡
Incorporating immunotherapy in the management of early-stage estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer opens in new tab/window G. Nader-Marta ∙ A.G. Waks∙ S.M. Tolaney ∙ E.L. Mayer
Recursive partitioning analysis model for de novo metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated with locoregional radiotherapy following chemoimmunotherapy opens in new tab/window D. Wen† ∙ L. Gu† ∙ H. Long† ∙ S. Liu† ∙ M. Luo ∙ R. Li ∙ R. Liu ∙ J. Lin ∙ J. Jin ∙ L. Xiong∙ L. Tang ∙ H. Mai ∙ L. Liu ∙ Y. Liang ∙ Q. Chen ∙ S. Guo
Immuno-Oncology and Technology
Integrated noninvasive diagnostics for prediction of survival in immunotherapy opens in new tab/window M. Yeghaian∙ Z. Bodalal ∙ T.M. Tareco Bucho ∙ I. Kurilova ∙ C.U. Blank ∙ E.F. Smit ∙ M.S. van der Heijden ∙ T.D.L. Nguyen-Kim ∙ D. van den Broek ∙ R.G.H. Beets-Tan ∙ S. Trebeschi
An organotypic human melanoma-in-skin model as an in vitro tool for testing Vγ9Vδ2-T cell-based immunotherapy opens in new tab/window E. Michielon† ∙ L.A. King† ∙ T. Waaijman ∙ M. Veth ∙ S.W. Spiekstra ∙ H.J. van der Vliet ∙ S. Gibbs ∙ T.D. de Gruij
The Breast
Ten-year clinical outcome, toxicity and compliance of dose-dense sequential adjuvant administration of cyclophosphamide & epirubicin followed by docetaxel in patients with early breast cancer: A hellenic cooperative oncology group observational study (HE 10/10) with concurrent investigation of significance of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes opens in new tab/window Foteinos-Ioannis Dimitrakopoulosa, ∙ Anna Goussiac,d ∙ Georgia-Angeliki Kolioue ∙ Katerina Dadoulif ∙ Anna Batistatouc ∙ Helen P. Koureag ∙ Mattheos Bobosh, ∙ Petroula Arapantoni-Dadiotij ∙ Olympia Tzaidak ∙ Triantafyllia Koletsal ∙ Sofia Chrisafih ∙ Maria Sotiropouloum ∙ Alexandra Papoudou-Baic ∙ Irene Nicolaoun ∙ Antonia Charchantio ∙ Davide Maurip ∙ Gerasimos Aravantinosq ∙ Ioannis Binasr ∙ Eleni Ress ∙ Amanda Psyrrit ∙ Dimitrios Pectasidesu ∙ Dimitrios Bafaloukosv ∙ Anna Koumarianouw ∙ Iliada Bompolakix ∙ Georgios Rigakosy ∙ Charisios Karanikiotisz ∙ Angelos Koutrasa ∙ Flora Zagouriaa ∙ Helen Gogasab ∙ George Fountzilash
Cancer Treatment Reviews
Advances and challenges in immunotherapy for locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma opens in new tab/window Miaoying Caia ∙ Yifu Wanga, ∙ Huangrong Maa ∙ Li Yangb ∙ Zhiyuan Xub
Crosstalk and communication of cancer-associated fibroblasts with natural killer and dendritic cells: New frontiers and unveiled opportunities for cancer immunotherapy opens in new tab/window Simone Ielpoa, ∙ Francesca Barberinia, Farnaz Dabbagh Moghaddamb ∙ Silvia Pescec, ∙ Chiara Cencionie ∙ Francesco Spallottaf, ∙ Adele De Ninnob ∙ Luca Businarob ∙ Emanuela Marcenaroc, ∙ Roberto Beia ∙ Loredana Cifaldia ∙ Giovanni Barillaria, ∙ Ombretta Melaiua
Lung Cancer
CD8+ T cells infiltrating into tumors were controlled by immune status of pulmonary lymph nodes and correlated with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients’ prognosis treated with chemoimmunotherapy opens in new tab/window Zhexin Baia ∙ Xu Chenga ∙ Tianyu Maa ∙ Gege Lia ∙ Xiaojue Wanga ∙ Ziyu Wangb ∙ Ling Yib ∙ Zhidong Liua
Neoadjuvant Therapy in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer: A real-world analysis opens in new tab/window Leyla Aya, ∙ Daniel Steinerc ∙ Hannah Fabikana ∙ Oliver Illinia, ∙ Dagmar Krenbekd ∙ Thomas Klikovitse ∙ Michal Beneje ∙ Klaus Kirchbachera, ∙ Stefan Watzkae, ∙ Arschang Valipoura, ∙ Maximilian Hochmaira
Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma and Leukemia
The Evolving Role of Checkpoint Inhibitors in Multiple Myeloma opens in new tab/window Ritu Chakrabarti ∙ David Siegel ∙ Noa Biran
Comprehensive review of bispecific antibody constructs in multiple myeloma: affinities, dosing strategies and future perspectives opens in new tab/window Johannes M. Waldschmidt ∙ Leo Rasche ∙ K. Martin Kortüm ∙ Hermann Einsele
ESMO's Journal Portfolio
While diverse in nature and in content, these journals offer ESMO members and the oncology community a highly visible platform to publish important scientific studies, and a highly credible source for educational updates. Elsevier is the proud publisher of Annals of Oncology, Immuno-Oncology and Technology (IOTECH), ESMO Open, ESMO Gastrointestinal Oncology, ESMO Real World Data and Digital Oncology, and ESMO Affiliated Journals The Breast, Lung Cancer, Cancer Treatment Reviews and Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma and Leukemia.