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Registration for the Pure International Conference 2023 is open!

We hope that you are as excited as we are in meeting up with your global Pure community colleagues again! This year, we have chosen to bring the Pure community to the stunning, UNESCO World Heritage city of Dubrovnik, Croatia. And building off the invigorating momentum our user community created at last year’s fabulous conference in Porto, one that you will not want to miss!

Overall, a great conference. It was my first Pure International and I found it very well organized, attended, and just an overall wonderful conference. - PRCN2022 attendee

Dates: October 24-26, 2023

Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia

Venue: Hotel Palace Dubrovnik

Immerse yourself in the captivating visuals, the inspiring talks, and the engaging atmosphere that made last year's event a success. As we gear up for an even more remarkable journey this year, we invite you to relive the moments from PRCN2022 and get a taste of what's to come.

Pure Research Conference Network 2022 video

Pure conference video

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Pure Research Conference Network 2022 video

Conference fee

The conference registration fee is €200 per attendee – this will cover all meals and activities over the course of the event.

The conference cannot take place without your participation. And if would you like to present at this year’s conference, please submit your proposal before registering as the conference fee will be waived for participating speakers and panelists. More information on conference theme, topics and the submission process is available on the proposals page.

Register now! opens in new tab/window

If you have any queries in the meantime, please contact us at [email protected] opens in new tab/window.