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Scopus Content

Scopus covers 330 disciplines to ensure researchers, instructors, librarians and students have confidence that they are not missing out on the vital information they need to advance their research and scholarship.

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Unparalleled access to critical research from around the world

Researchers, scholars and librarians trust the information and data they discover on Scopus because the content from more than 7,000 publishers is meticulously reviewed and selected by an independent Content Selection and Advisory Board (CSAB).

Read about the content that Scopus offers in our Content Coverage Guide opens in new tab/window

Scopus Content Coverage guide

Scopus includes ...

Scopus coverage counts

Numbers shown are rounded and current as of July 2024. Scopus is updated daily.

"Having a database as inclusive and interdisciplinary as Scopus is invaluable to us."

Headshot of Bruce Abbott


Bruce Abbott

Health Sciences Librarian at Blaisdell Medical Library, University of California, Davis Health Care (USA)

Preprints in Scopus

Scopus incorporates 2M+ documents from seven leading preprint servers. Preprints are preliminary, unpublished, non-peer-reviewed versions of scholarly papers that precede publication and act as an early indication of research. Preprints from 2017 and onward can be explored as part of a Scopus search and are included as a content type in Author profiles.

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Preprints in Scopus

Historical depth: Why citations matter

With more than 2.4b cited references in Scopus, each publication indexed has, on average, 10-15% more citations than our nearest competitor. More cited references mean you get:

  • More extensive bibliometric and historic trends analyses

  • More complete author profiles

  • Improved h-index measures for authors

Want to get a better representation of your scholarly output and increase your visibility? Validate your Author Profile today to ensure your citations and h-index score are accurate.

Scopus historical depth timeline

Content on Scopus extends back to 1788 and references date from the 1970s.

Expertly curated content

We seek out and ensure that only the most trusted, peer-reviewed scientific articles, books and conference papers are available on Scopus.

Content Selection and Advisory Board

Scopus content is reviewed and ultimately selected by an independent Content Selection and Advisory Board (CSAB), an international group of scientists and researchers with journal editor experience and who represent the major scientific disciplines indexed on Scopus.

Year-round, the CSAB members are responsible for reviewing all new titles that are suggested for indexing on Scopus. They also review and ensure that the quality of existing content is maintained.

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Scopus CSAB

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Stringent selection standards

Every year, thousands of new titles are suggested for inclusion in Scopus, but only 33% of those titles meet the rigorous technical criteria. And of those roughly 1,200 titles, only 50% are accepted after review by our independent Content Selection Advisory Board.

Our selection process and policy

We are proud of our transparent selection process and independent review board. The international experts on our CSAB continually review new title requests using both quantitative and qualitative measures. Only serial titles may be suggested to the CSAB for inclusion on Scopus, including journals, book series and conference series.

Read our Content Policy & Selection.

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Scopus standards

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Titles on Scopus

Content types included on Scopus are either serial publications that have an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), such as journals, book series and conference series, or non-serial publications that have an ISBN (International Standard Book Number), such as monographs or one-off conference materials. To check if a title is on Scopus, visit the freely available Source Title page opens in new tab/window or consult the title lists below.

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