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Lösungen für Pflegefachpersonen

Build competence and confidence in new graduates

Your novice nurses need more support to navigate their steep learning curve. This support is crucial for alleviating stress, anxiety, burnout, and turnover, which can impact your entire organization and patients. While basic learning tools can miss the mark on engagement and support, you can offer a robust virtual orientation program to assess and develop new grads’ clinical and professional skills with Elsevier.    

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Das Wissen, das Ihre Krankenschwestern brauchen

Von neuen Krankenschwestern bis hin zu aufstrebenden Führungskräften - bauen Sie Ihr engagiertes und talentiertes Pflegeteam mit den klinischen Pflegelösungen von Elsevier auf.

Young female nurse walking down the street. Statistic over the image says "63% of new grad nurses report not being ready for practice."

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Two female nurses and one male nurse walking and talking in a hospital. One female nurse holds a file folder.
  1. “29% of all newly hired RNs leave within a year.” nsinursingsolutions.com/Documents/Library/NSI_National_Health_Care_Retention_Report.pdf

  2. “Nurses want to spend more than double the time on development activities.” mckinsey.com/industries/healthcare/our-insights/reimagining-the-nursing-workload-finding-time-to-close-the-workforce-gap

  3. "Effective care coordination increases HCAHPS ratings on average by 2.3%." Figueroa, Jose F.; Feyman, Yevgeniy; Zhou, Xiner; Maddox, Karen. “Hospital-Level Care Coordination Strategies Associated with Better Patient Experience”. BMJ Quality & Safety. The British Medical Journal. 4 Apr 2018.