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The Politics of African and Middle Eastern States

An Annotated Bibliography

  • 1st Edition - January 1, 1976
  • Authors: Anne Gordon Drabek, Wilfrid Knapp
  • Language: English
  • eBook ISBN:
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 5 1 6 9 - 4

The Politics of African and Middle Eastern States: An Annotated Bibliography is a record of books written about the politics, history, and the lives of the leaders of Africa and… Read more

The Politics of African and Middle Eastern States

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The Politics of African and Middle Eastern States: An Annotated Bibliography is a record of books written about the politics, history, and the lives of the leaders of Africa and the Middle East. The book is divided per chapter according to the geographical area being discussed. Each chapter contains a list of books that fall under the following categories: Political History; Political Systems and Government; Biographies, Memoirs, Speeches, and Writings; and External Relations. Chapters I to VII cover different regions of Africa, while Chapters VIII to XI cover the Middle East. The text is a recommended for historians and political scientists, especially those interested in the areas mentioned in the book. The selection also serves a guide to those who plan to have further readings or make a paper about the political history, government, and development of the areas mentioned .