Insights 2024: Attitudes toward AI

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在 Elsevier,透過徹底研究、審查和專業設計的教育培訓來發現偏見,是我們克服偏見、開創改善醫療道路的一種途徑。
透過如 Shadow Health 和 Complete Anatomy 等解決方案照顧治療不足的人群,使大量的資訊和研究受到萬眾矚目,使醫療照護領域更容易獲得和接受,確保從病患利益出發。
聆聽我們的兩位領導者,技術、護理和醫學教育副總裁 James Sacra 和資料科學主管 Katie Scranton 的心聲,確保從產品概念到部署的所有聲音都有代表性和尊重。
At Elsevier Health, we recognize that AI bias in healthcare can lead to unequal treatment and exacerbate health disparities. Committed to preventing unfair bias, we rigorously evaluate and assess our solutions. By promoting transparency and provenance, we help users trust and delve deeper to understand the information provided. This enables us to deliver reliable, unbiased knowledge, supporting our mission to improve every patient outcome.
Learn more about how Elsevier is harnessing the transformative power of AI in healthcare
"As both an education provider and technology leader Elsevier is committed to developing AI that expands access to effective learning while upholding ethical AI standards. Our responsible AI principles, combined with our authoritative, inclusively developed content assets enabled innovations that enhance healthcare equity."
Paul Crockett
Elsevier 的 SVP, Product and Enterprise Solutions
"78% of students surveyed said their medical or nursing school is adequately preparing them to communicate and engage with a diverse patient population. Agreement ranges from 71% among EMEA medical students to 83% among APAC medical students."
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