Authors and Researchers
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Academic research papers are uploaded directly to SSRN by authors, reviewed by qualified classifiers and posted for worldwide readers to access and download. Once a paper is accepted for posting by the SSRN classifier team, the working paper is available to view online, worldwide.
With SSRN, authors can:
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"We find the SSRN ranking and download features really helpful for indicating how 'successful' our authors and staff are; and those metrics travel well to indicate the broader esteem our work is held in."

Professor of Law & Associate Director
Transitional Justice Institute, Dalriada House, Ulster University
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With over 30 research networks with granular categories in each, you’ll find social, life and physical science disciplines available to post your early-stage ideas, abstracts, working papers and preprints.

SSRN provides author rankings for the following metrics:
Total New Downloads: Total downloads during the last 12 months
Number of New Papers: The number of full text papers that have been added to SSRN in the last 12 months
This figure includes papers that were written some time ago but have been recently uploaded
New Downloads Per Paper: A measure of the average number of downloads per paper in the last 12 months
Per paper statistics are counted only where an author has more than five publicly available papers available for download in the SSRN elibrary
Total number of Downloads: Total lifetime downloads for an author's publicly available full text papers
Total number of Citations: The total number of times an author's paper has been cited in other papers in the SSRN elibrary
Number of Papers: The total number of publicly available full text papers in an author’s SSRN e-library
With SSRN, scholarly research is at your fingertips. Why waste time searching online when you can search SSRN and read all about the latest research in your designated field of interest?
An informative indicator of popular prepress and open access is SSRN’s ability to showcase author and paper rankings by the number of downloads. And, SSRN users can also subscribe to abstract email journals covering a broad range of subjects.