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Jan bij de Weg

Executive Vice President and Global General Counsel

Jan bij de Weg is Senior Vice President and Global General Counsel at Elsevier. Having studied law at the University of Groningen and at the University of Stockholm, Jan worked in various legal jurisdictions in Europe and the US. Jan has been a key member of the Elsevier legal team since 1997 when he joined from Akzo Nobel where he worked in the pharma business unit. He brings a wealth of experience providing legal support for publishing, sales, licensing, acquisitions and public policy matters. He is also the chair of the Elsevier compliance committee and manages Elsevier’s Global Rights team.

Jan contributes regularly to the copyright committees at the STM association, the European Publishers Council (EPC) and the Dutch Publishers Association (NUV), and has been a member of the STM International Publishers Rights Organization (IPRO) board. He has also been a member of ad hoc industry working groups on topics such as text & data mining, and social sharing.