Basic Sciences Olympiad
"Elsevier India, world’s largest medical information solution provider to health professionals believes that the basic sciences subjects’ need special attention because they play a vital role in developing skills of future medicos. Medical students must be hence, encouraged to strengthen their subject expertise and skills in these areas. With precisely this thought, Elsevier India has launched one of the most popular Basic Sciences Olympiads in the field of Health Sciences- Elsevier’s Basic Sciences Olympiad(EBSO)."
All the first Professional course undergraduate medical students are eligible to participate in this challenging and exciting Basic Sciences quizzes. Designed specifically for the I Professional course undergraduate medical students across South Asia, it is one of the most ambitious and extensive quiz campaign by Elsevier helping the students develop their skills and gain a hands-on learning experience. It doesn’t only tests students' knowledge in basic sciences subjects, but also provides them an opportunity to meet and interact with their fellow participants from across the south Asia. Moreover, each participant gets a fair chance to join the elite academic “hall of fame”.

Basic Sciences Olympiad
The prelim round of this Olympiad is divided into two phases. While one phase allows students to take up the online quiz here, the second one is being conducted parallelly across various medical colleges. In both ways, students would be required to crack 60 multiple-choice questions in 60 minutes. These questions would cover all the 3 Basic Science subjects:- Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry. The top scorers in this round would qualify for the second round which would involve a complete online based quizzing on the same subjects. And then, from among all the participants of the second round, the top scorers would then compete at the grand finale of EBSO. Join the conversation now opens in new tab/window

Olympiad Group Photo

Olympiad Award

Olympiad Award

Olympiad Award