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Elsevier XML DTDs and transport schemas – Archive

Journal Article (JA) DTD 5.0

The JA DTD 5 is the current DTD used for capturing scientific articles.

Release note of the journal article DTD 5.0 opens in new tab/window

version 3.1, finished

13 March 2003

ES Grid in Unicode opens in new tab/window

version 1.1.3, final

7 December 2004

Tag by Tag for DTD 5 opens in new tab/window

version 1.0, final

March 2005

Tag by Tag Errata and Addenda opens in new tab/window

version 1.5

7 February 2007

Tag by Tag for DTD 5 opens in new tab/window

version 1.1, final, incorporating errata and addenda and the new Book DTD 5.2.0

February 2007

JA DTD 5.0 and CEP 1.1 complete opens in new tab/window

Zip file containing the complete final version including the right versions of MathML and CALS

7 December 2004

JA DTD 5.0 opens in new tab/window

version 5.0.1, final version

12 March 2003

CEP 1.1.0 used in JA DTD 5.0 opens in new tab/window

version 1.1.0 patch level 1, version final for the JA DTD

5 September 2003

mathml2-mod-ES-strict.dtd opens in new tab/window

This stricter version of the MathML DTD enables a tighter check of the constraints that are described in the MathML specification as well as constraints valid for Elsevier's files (described in the Tag by Tag)

Journal Article (JA) DTD 5.0.2

The JA DTD 5.0.2 is a small update of the JA DTD.

Release note of the journal article DTD 5.0.2 opens in new tab/window

version 1.2

2 April 2007

JA DTD 5.0.2 and CEP complete opens in new tab/window

Zip file containing the complete final version including the right versions of MathML and CALS, patch level 1

2 April 2007

JA DTD 5.0.2 opens in new tab/window

version 5.0.2, final version

31 January 2007

CEP used in JA DTD 5.0.2 opens in new tab/window

version, final version for the JA DTD, patch level 1

2 April 2007

Tag by Tag for DTD 5 - v1.1 opens in new tab/window

version 1.1pl1. Updated with respect to JA DTD 5.0.2 and Elsevier Book DTD 5.2.1

April 2007

Journal Article (JA) DTD 5.1.0

The JA DTD 5.1.0 is an update of the JA DTD.

Release note of the journal article DTD 5.1.0 opens in new tab/window

version 1.2

18 February 2009

JA DTD 5.1.0 opens in new tab/window

version 5.1.0, final version

28 August 2008

CEP 1.1.5 used in JA DTD 5.1.0 opens in new tab/window

version 1.1.5, final version for the JA DTD

12 September 2008

JA DTD 5.1.0 and CEP 1.1.5 complete opens in new tab/window

Zip file containing the complete final version including the right versions of MathML and CALS

12 September 2008

Tag by Tag for DTD 5 - v1.2 opens in new tab/window

version 1.2.1. Updated with respect to JA DTD 5.1.0

25 September 2008

Tag by Tag for DTD 5 - v1.3 opens in new tab/window

version 1.3.0. Updated with respect to Book DTD 5.3.0 and CEP 1.1.6

21 April 2009

Journal Article (JA) DTD 5.2.0

The JA DTD 5.2.0 is an update of the JA DTD.

Journal article DTD 5.2.0 Presentation opens in new tab/window

31 May 2012

JA DTD 5.2.0 opens in new tab/window

version 5.2.0p1, final version

17 April 2012

CEP 1.2.0 used in JA DTD 5.2.0 opens in new tab/window

version 1.2.0, final version for the JA DTD

12 April 2012

JA DTD 5.2.0 and CEP 1.2.0 complete opens in new tab/window

Zip file containing the complete final version including the right versions of MathML and CALS

19 June 2012

Tag by Tag for DTD 5 - v1.9.4 opens in new tab/window

version 1.9.4

23 September 2013

JA 5.2.0 and SI 5.2.0 sample files: available on request (290 MB)

Fifteen Contrast-out datasets with JA 5.2.0 and SI 5.2.0 samples (in the ENDEND journal)

Journal Article (JA) DTD 5.4.0

The JA DTD 5.4.0 is an update of the JA DTD. To align the version numbers of the JA DTD, the Book DTD and the CEP, versions 5.3.0 of the JA DTD and 1.3.0 of the CEP were not created.

Release note for Journal Article DTD 5.4.0 and Serial Issue DTD 5.4.0 opens in new tab/window

version 1.1

18 December 2014

JA DTD 5.4.0 opens in new tab/window

version 5.4.0, finalised version

15 January 2015

CEP 1.4.0 used in JA DTD 5.4.0 opens in new tab/window

version 1.4.0, finalised version for the JA DTD

15 January 2015

JA DTD 5.4.0 and CEP 1.4.0 complete opens in new tab/window

Zip file containing the complete final version including the right versions of MathML and CALS

16 March 2015

Tag by Tag for DTD 5 - v1.9.5.9 opens in new tab/window


13 October 2016

Sample files opens in new tab/window

Zip file, 25MB, includes readme.txt

Sample output dataset opens in new tab/window

Zip file, 39MB. This (handcrafted) output dataset contains all the above journal samples, placed in an issue of the ENDEND journal (our journal for end-to-end testing). It uses a draft version of the new Contrast 2015.1 schema.

Serial Issue (SI) DTD

A journal issue (or book series volume) is defined by its "issue hub". The issue hub contains all the properties of the issue, such as title and (guest-)editors, cover image and cover date, and it determines the order and page numbers of the items in the issue.

Serial Issue (SI) DTD 5.1

Serial Issue (SI) DTD 5.2

The SI DTD 5.2.0 is an update of the SI DTD.

SI DTD 5.2 opens in new tab/window

version 5.2.0, final version

8 March 2012

CEP 1.2.0 used in SI DTD 5.2.0 opens in new tab/window

version 1.2.0, final version for the SI DTD

12 April 2012

Tag by Tag for DTD 5 - v1.9.0 opens in new tab/window

version 1.9.0. Updated with respect to SI DTD 5.2.0

30 May 2012

JA 5.2.0 and SI 5.2.0 sample files: available on request (290 MB)

Fifteen Contrast-out datasets with JA 5.2.0 and SI 5.2.0 samples (in the ENDEND journal).

Serial Issue (SI) DTD 5.4

The SI DTD 5.4.0 is an update of the SI DTD. To align the version numbers of the JA DTD, the Book DTD and the CEP, versions 5.3.0 of the SI DTD and 1.3.0 of the CEP were not created.

Release note for Journal Article DTD 5.4.0 and Serial Issue DTD 5.4.0 opens in new tab/window

version 1.1

18 December 2014

SI DTD 5.4 opens in new tab/window

version 5.4.0, finalised version

15 January 2015

CEP 1.4.0 used in SI DTD 5.4.0 opens in new tab/window

version 1.4.0, finalised version for the SI DTD

15 January 2015

SI DTD 5.4.0 and CEP 1.4.0 complete opens in new tab/window

Zip file containing the complete final version including the right versions of MathML and CALS

15 January 2015

Tag by Tag for DTD 5 - v1.9.5.9 opens in new tab/window


13 October 2016

Sample files opens in new tab/window

Zip file, 25MB, includes readme.txt

Sample output dataset opens in new tab/window

Zip file, 39MB. This output dataset contains an issue with articles that have an article-number. The issue contains no page numbers and was placed in the ENDEND journal (our journal for end-to-end testing). The dataset uses a draft version of the Contrast 2015.1 schema.

Health Science Book (EHS-Book) DTD 5.1.0

EHS Book DTD 5.1.0 opens in new tab/window

version 5.1.0, final

17 November 2003

CEP 1.1.2 opens in new tab/window

version 1.1.2

17 November 2003

EHS Books DTD 5.1.1 opens in new tab/window

version 5.1.1, final

27 February 2004

CEP 1.1.3 opens in new tab/window

version 1.1.3

2 March 2004

Tag by Tag for EHS Book DTD 5.1 opens in new tab/window

version 1.0

March 2005

Book (BK) DTD 5.2.1

The Elsevier Book DTD 5.2 allows us to capture books in XML. It provides a number of top-level elements for chapters and other items, and a top-level element for the "book hub". The book hub determines the hierarchy of the chapters and the page numbers of the chapters.

Book (BK) DTD 5.3.0

The Elsevier Book DTD 5.3 is an update to the Book DTD. With this updated version Major Reference Works can be captured.

Book (BK) DTD 5.4.0

The Elsevier Book DTD 5.4 is an update to the Book DTD. To align the version numbers of the JA DTD, the Book DTD and the CEP, version 1.3.0 of the CEP was not created.

Release note of the Book DTD 5.4.0 opens in new tab/window

version 1.0

3 October 2014

Elsevier Book DTD 5.4.0 opens in new tab/window

version 5.4.0p1, finalised version

16 March 2015

CEP 1.4.0 used in Book DTD 5.4.0 opens in new tab/window

version 1.4.0, finalised version

15 January 2015

Book DTD 5.4.0 and CEP 1.4.0 complete opens in new tab/window

Zip file containing the complete final version including the right versions of MathML and CALS

16 March 2015

Tag by Tag for Elsevier Book DTD 5.4 opens in new tab/window


13 October 2016

Sample files opens in new tab/window

Zip file, 25MB, includes readme.txt

FLA DTD 4.5.2

DTD 4.5 was created for conversion of legacy content. Millions of articles structured in the Elsevier SGML DTDs 2.1, 3.0, 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 were converted to XML DTD 4.5.

Abstracting and Indexing (AnI) Schema 5.13

The AnI schema was developed to allow distribution of the bibliographic databases owned by Elsevier in a standard format.

Below are additional schemas used to transport data from and to OpsbankII, the system that contains the bibliographic databases owned by Elsevier.

Elsevier uses Unicode as the character set for XML. The encoding used in the XML files is UTF-8. Please note that the restrictions of the currently used character set will be lifted. Special characters will appear as intended, for instance ß, õ, μ, ±, ¾, ÄÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ, etc.

Contact DTD Development and Maintenance opens in new tab/window