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"Today's Clinical Support" is an evidence-based secondary literature database.Written by 1,400 domestic experts, it supports doctors and medical personnel with descriptions based on the Japanese medical system.
Thoroughly review both domestic and international guidelines and evidence, and clearly cite the references.
Written by approximately 1,400 domestic experts, prescription examples are based on domestic indications, usage, and dosage, and are described in accordance with Japan's medical system.
Describes the evidence that forms the basis of the recommendation and the recommendation level of each piece of evidence. moreover,
Text as well as flowcharts, diagrams, and images are used to describe information clearly. Abundant recommended ratings and actual prescription examples are provided. Furthermore, excellent search functionality supports rapid decision-making in clinical settings.
It is easy to grasp the general flow of diagnosis and treatment.
With excellent search functionality, you can quickly access the necessary information.
The editorial department monitors updates of domestic and international guidelines, announcements of important evidence, approval of new products, etc. every day and provides timely updates.
Updates in as little as two months after the guidelines are updated (on hold), drug information is updated monthly (online version), and contains a wealth of actual prescriptions by prominent doctors in each field.
All therapeutic drug information and package inserts, including generics, can be viewed.
A wealth of information is compiled into one database, focusing on disease and symptom summaries, diagnosis and treatment policies, as well as test information, drug information, medical fee points, and explanatory materials for patients.
Access anytime, anywhere from electronic medical record terminals or Internet terminals.
Contribute to task shifting and team medical care by improving the work efficiency of doctors, nurses, and medical staff, and by sharing knowledge between professions.
Doctor: You can immediately check non-specialist knowledge and the latest evidence in Japanese and use it in your daily medical treatment.
Training doctor: As a tool for confirming medical information based on Japanese evidence, you can quickly investigate unknown points.
Nurses: You can find information and questions for planning nursing care plans from clinical reviews written by Japanese clinicians.
Pharmacist: You can check dosages by renal function, drug information for children and breastfeeding women, and treatment plans when ordering irregular drugs.
Medical staff: You can check disease information and medical fee points for Q&A during discharge support, etc.
Webinar information
It can be accessed from the hospital's intranet, including electronic medical record terminals and ordering terminals. Many facilities have praised the ease of use as it can be accessed from an electronic medical record terminal.
The Internet version allows you to access it anytime, anywhere from your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Try our 15-day free trial to access all content.
Invest in improving the working environment and improving the skills of staff in order to realize "real medical care."
Before introducing "Today's Clinical Support" there were "inefficiencies in conducting research" and "concerns about the reliability of information." The following effects were achieved after implementation:
Link electronic medical records with "Today's Clinical Support" so that you can refer to disease information while viewing medical records: Achieving operational efficiency in all occupations
By using evidence-based "Today's Clinical Support" as the information source: ensuring the quality and reliability of information
Utilize "Today's Clinical Support" to share information within the department: Contributes to reducing time for the entire team (nurses, medical staff) See the detail of use case opens in new tab/window
Municipal Higashiosaka Medical Center
To resolve the dilemma of handbooks being too thin and guidelines or original articles being too thick, "Today's Clinical Support" provides explanations of the latest evidence in a clear format by 1,400 experts in each disease. Backed by numerous references and enriched with abundant flowcharts, diagrams, and prescription examples, it achieves a balance between "detail" and "user-friendliness."
This resource allows not only understanding of the treatment standards for your own cases but also enables quick grasp of the clinical standards for various diseases when communicating with colleagues from other departments.
Do you struggle with finding numerous similar articles or pondering over the correct keywords? With "Today's Clinical Support", you won't have such search woes. Its search engine reverse-engineers the situations and clinical questions doctors face from keywords, extracting relevant information from numerous articles and displaying it. Moreover, by minimizing duplicate articles on the same condition, it enhances ease of navigation. You can efficiently confirm information without wasting time searching, making your search process more efficient.
The editorial team checks over 200 academic society websites daily. They keep an eye on the latest evidence, including guidelines, and reflect updates from evidence to related articles in as little as 2 months.
We deliver the latest update of Today’s clinical support as a “Practice Update” monthly. Subscribe newsletter by this form. opens in new tab/window
Material download
Contents List ー Diseases ー Symptom ー Drug-list<currently undergoing maintenance> ー Inspection ー Treatment-plan
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