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Explore the latest trending research impacting the Pharmaceuticals industry. From nanorobots revolutionizing drug delivery to the latest on improving vaccines for respiratory illnesses, all of the below can be accessed via ScienceDirect.
While AI remains a buzzword across various industries, there is still some work to do to determine just where it can most effectively be deployed. In this review published in Drug Delivery Science and Technology, the authors explore various AI tools for the prediction of nanomedicine – one of the most rapidly growing medical fields in the world – across various applications.
“The growing field of nanomedicine has given rise to the emergence of nanoinformatics, enabling the utilization of data mining and machine learning techniques to create nano-QSARs and similar tools for forecasting both the functional and structural abilities of nanoparticles. [AI] methods, including grid search, artificial neural networks, and molecular dynamics simulations, can be applied to decipher aspects like dissolution behavior, electrostatic agglomeration, accumulation patterns, and the competitive binding of proteins on nanoparticles.” – Habeeb et al.
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, January 2024
“AcousticRobots” is the term used by the authors of this study, published in Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, which explores how ultrasonically propelled micro/nanorobots could revolutionize such areas as drug delivery, invasive surgery, cell manipulation, imaging and more.
“Nanorobots are expected to cooperate under intelligent management to accomplish complex and complicated tasks that are hard for an individual nanorobot. The natural intelligence from the community aroused researchers to explore the swarm intelligence in nanorobots. Precise control of the swarms in dynamically changing environments is a complex path planning issue that requires considerable computational resources and sufficient information feedback in real time. In this issue, machine learning algorithms can process real-time feedbacks and perform quantitative analysis to guide them to adapt to the environment.” – Wu et al.
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, April 2024
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the role of mucosal secretory IgA (or SIgA) in protection against respiratory viruses. This has spurred interest in the development of treatments and vaccines that utilize the SIgA response. This review published in Antiviral Research aims to describe the various qualities of SIgA, and the challenges and opportunities researchers face as they look to develop a greater understanding.
“The ongoing advancements in mucosal vaccination strategies, particularly those targeting SIgA responses, ensure a promising view for enhancing respiratory immunity against SARS-CoV-2 and influenza infections. However, The durability of mucosal humoral responses, the need for efficient delivery systems, the exploration of adjuvants, and the understanding of cellular memory responses remain critical areas of research. Finally, tailoring vaccine formulations to induce a balanced inflammatory response at mucosal surfaces is extremely essential for inducing protective immunity.” – Sinha et al.
Antiviral Research, March 2024