Conference speaker

Vincenzo Naddeo
Director of the Sanitary Environmental Engineering Division
University of Palermo, Italy
Prof Vincenzo Naddeo is Director of the Sanitary Environmental Engineering Division (SEED) at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Salerno (Italy), where he drives research and academic activities in the Environmental Engineering fields.
He serves as affiliate professor at both the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Washington opens in new tab/window (USA) and at the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering of the Tamkang University opens in new tab/window (Taiwan).
His research focuses on advanced water/wastewater treatment, characterization and control of environmental odours and environmental impact assessment (EIA). He developed advanced biological processes for wastewater treatment and control of emerging contaminants and biotechnologies for wastewater re-use with simultaneous energy production within the framework of the circular economy.
Prof Naddeo is Editor of the Water Environmental Research opens in new tab/window, and Associate editor of Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering opens in new tab/window. He is Social Media Editor for Journal of Hazardous Materials opens in new tab/window. He presently serves on the editorial board of several ISI journals, including Science of Total Environment opens in new tab/window and Desalination opens in new tab/window.
He holds seven patents, 4 on innovative technologies for the advanced treatment of water/wastewater, 2 on electronic nose and 1 patent on an innovative photo-bioreactor for the sequestration of CO2. Prof. Naddeo has authored >200 publications in ISI journals, congress proceedings and book volumes (h-index:43 citations: 6006; Google Scholar).