Conference speaker

Sigmar de Mello Rode
Association of Brasilian Scientific Editors (ABEC)
Sigmar de Mello Rode is a dentist and full professor of Orofacial Pain at UNESP Dentistry School, São José dos Campos, Brazil.
Sigmar serves as Past President of the Latin American Region of the International Association for Dental Research, IADR, and Brazilian Society for Dental Research, SBPqO. He is the current President of the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors, ABEC Brasil. He was Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian Oral Research (2006-2014) and is Section Editor of CLINICS and Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira. He is a member of Council and Brazilian Chapter Chair of the European Association of Science Editors, EASE, and member of Scientific Committee of Scientific Electronic Library, SciELO Brazil. His research interest including teaching, scientific ethics, scientific publishing, clinical dentistry, temporomandibular joint and oral and maxil lofacial prosthesis. He has published more than 200 articles in scientific journals, in addition to books, book chapters and conference papers. He received from IADR the Outstanding Scientist Recognition of the IADR/Latin American Region (2023) and Member Medal of the Brazilian Academy of Dentistry (2018), among numerous distinctions in the areas of dentistry and scientific publishing.