
Michael Gonzalez
Centre For Environmental Solutions and Emergency Response, USA
Keynote Lecture: From green to sustainable chemistry and knowing that we are doing it correctly
Trained as a synthetic inorganic chemist for catalyst development, Michael joined the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) to become a pioneer and recognized global leader in the design of green and then sustainable chemical synthesis routes. As his interests evolved with EPA priorities, he moved into the intersection of chemistry and chemical engineering. This includes the development of process intensified chemical pathways and using novel chemical reactor systems to influence chemical route and process design with an emphasis on Sustainable Materials Management Strategies and Pollution Prevention. Michael is also a co-inventor of EPA’s GREENSCOPE tool which can evaluate a chemical synthesis or process for its sustainability value in the areas of environment, efficiency, energy and economics. These efforts were further extended into sustainability performance evaluation of chemical processes and supply chains, life cycle inventory and assessment, and multi-criteria decision-making. More recently, Michael has utilized his experience and knowledge for support ORDs efforts for advancing TSCA priorities for evaluating the life cycle impacts of chemicals and identified alternatives. Michael is named inventor on 10 US patents and patent applications and 6 world patents and has three licensed technologies in the market sector. Dr. Gonzalez received his Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from the University of Texas - El Paso and graduate degree in Inorganic (Catalytic) Chemistry the University of Florida. Michael has held roles within ORD of Branch Chief, Division Director, Senior Science Advisor, Special Assistant (Cincinnati Water Cluster), and is currently the Associate Division Director for the Land Remediation and Technology Division.