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Conference Chair

Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen


Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen

ISGlobal, Spain

Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen PhD is a world leading expert in environmental exposure assessment, epidemiology, and health risk/impact assessment with a strong focus and interest on healthy urban living. View full bio

He has experience and expertise in areas of all cause mortality, respiratory and cardiovascular disease, mental health and cognitive function, cancer and reproductive health, and exposure measurement and modelling of indoor and outdoor air pollution, green space, UV exposure, noise, temperature and physical activity, using new technology such as GIS, smartphones, personal sensors and remote sensing. He led the international TAPAS study ( opens in new tab/window), examining the health impacts of active transport in six European cities and the EC funded PHENOTYPE ( opens in new tab/window) study, examining the relations between green space and health, and the ISGlobal funded SUMA HIA project on health impact assessment in low and medium income countries. He is/was a co-investigator in ICEPURE ( opens in new tab/window), that examines exposure to and health effects of solar UV exposure, ESCAPE ( (and related (VE3SPA), that examines the long term health effects of air pollution, NIH funded CAVA  which aims to validate smartphone based data collection methods, EC funded CITISENSE ( opens in new tab/window) that aims to empower citizens using smartphone technology, EC funded HELIX (, that examines the early life exposome and childhood diseases, EC funded EXPOsOMICs ( that examines the air pollution and water exposome and health, the EC funded PASTA study ( opens in new tab/window), which promotes active transportation through sustainable transport, the EC funded BlueHealth project ( opens in new tab/window) evaluating the relationship between blue space and Health, the EC funded LifeCycle project on birth cohort coordination in Europe, and the international IMAP study, examining the relationship between environment, active living and cognitive health.

He has edited 3 books on Exposure Assessment and on Environmental Epidemiology, and one on Integrating human health into Urban and Transport planning, and has co-authored more than 400 papers published in peer reviewed journals and 30 book chapters.  In 2018, he was awarded the ISEE John Goldsmith Award for Outstanding Contributions to Environmental Epidemiology.