Conference speaker

Jordi Hernandez
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Cerdanyola del Valles, Spain
He is currently developing data analytics projects. For the OLAP on premise tools, collaborates in the prototyping of the whole system, from the indexer to the dashboards. He has been part of the University's Governance Team as responsible for the strategic lines on ICT. He has promoted the technological renewal of campus connectivity, new storage systems, transition to elastic systems, tools with AI support for information management, integration and interoperability of corporate data and advanced data analytics among other projects. Furthermore, he has developed an improvement of the university’s datacenter efficiency. Indirect free-cooling, hot and cold aisle containment have been incorporated, obtaining substantial savings. He has collaborated on the OS and application provisioning system on client computers. Also on monitoring, availability and performance of information Systems, server virtualization, automatic provisioning, fault tolerance and load balancing. He actively participated in the first national e-wallet project, in smart card management area.