Conference speaker

Fiorenzo Vetrone
Full Professor
INRS, Canada
Talk Title: Luminescent lanthanide-doped nanoparticles: towards light-based theranostics
Fiorenzo Vetrone is Full Professor (Professeur Titulaire) at Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Centre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications, Université du Québec.
Dr. Vetrone is a pioneer in the field of rare earth doped upconverting nanoparticles, publishing the first paper in the field. He has published papers in prestigious, high impact, peer-reviewed publications with a number of ISI Highly Cited Papers. He has given more than 150 invited, keynote, and plenary lectures at prestigious conferences and meetings as well as seminars at universities, research institutions and summer schools around the world. Moreover, he has won several prestigious awards from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the Royal Society (UK), ASM International, etc. He was also awarded the Gladiatore D’Oro from the Province of Benevento (Italy), the Keith Laidler Award from the Canadian Society for Chemistry recognizing outstanding early-career contributions to physical chemistry, for research carried out in Canada, by a scientist residing in Canada, and the W. Lash Miller Award from the Electrochemical Society for excellence in the field of solid-state science and technology. He was also awarded the Rutherford Memorial Medal in Chemistry from the Royal Society of Canada for outstanding research in chemistry. He was an elected member of the Global Young Academy and is currently a Member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada, Canada’s national system of multidisciplinary recognition for the emerging generation of Canadian intellectual leadership. In 2022, he was named Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.