
Duu-Jong Lee
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Dr. Lee has worked on research projects on biomass energy, resource recovery from waste and microscale heat and mass transfer, which led to successful supervision of five Ph D and 64 M Sc theses in past 30 years. The research carried out till-date has credited him with 11 patents, one book, 12 book chapters, and 865 SCI papers with WoS citations over 23,000 with h-index=70.
Professor Lee is the recipient of many national and international awards and fellowships. He is the National Chair of Ministry of Education, Taiwan, and is the Specially Appointed Distinguished Researcher of Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. He is the past President of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers with 3500 members in Taiwan and overseas. He was also the Vice President of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and Chief Executive Officer of National Taiwan University System. Dr. Lee is now Editor-in-Chief of journal Bioresource Technology Reports.