Conference speaker

Adam F. Lee
Griffith University, Australia - EiC of Materials Today Chemistry
Professor Adam Lee is a Professor of Sustainable Chemistry at Griffith University, Distinguished Visiting Professor at Zhengzhou and Nanjing Forestry Universities, a Professorial Visiting Scientist at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), and has held previous Chair appointments at Cardiff, Warwick, Monash, Aston and RMIT Universities.
Adam’s research addresses the rational design of nanoengineered materials for energy, environmental and health applications. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Associate Fellow of the IChemE, Editor-in-Chief of Materials Today Chemistry, and recipient of the 2011 McBain Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry and SCI, and 2012 Beilby Medal and Prize of the Royal Society of Chemistry, IOM3, and SCI.