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Woodhead Series in Bioenergy

Aim & scope

The Woodhead Series in Bioenergy publishes titles on the topic of bioenergy as it relates to renewable sources of energy.  The series notably covers biological resources, chemical and biological processes, and biomass products for energy production, along with the environmental, social, management, and economic aspects of bioenergy.

The key areas covered by the Woodhead Series in Bioenergy include biomass as bioenergy generation (sources, energy crops, etc.), biological residues (agriculture waste, municipal waste, etc.), biofuels (liquid and gaseous, production, transport biofuels, etc.), bioenergy processes (fermentations, thermochemical conversions, biorefining, etc.), bioenergy utilization (direct combustion, gasification, biofuel cells, etc.), sustainability issues related to bioenergy (carbon cycle, Bio-CCS, biodiversity issues, circular economy, value chains, etc.), along with the application, planning, execution, and installation of bioenergy projects.

Woodhead Series in Bioenergy

The series includes advances in theories, developments, principles, practical case studies and applications in the overarching subjects related to bioenergy applications as renewable sources of energy, with the content covering the scientific, technical, environmental, economic, policy and social aspects of bioenergy.

The Woodhead Series in Bioenergy commitment is to only commission content that supports and advances the energy transition and the reduction of CO2 emissions, to meet the world’s energy needs and protect our planet for future generations. The Series aims to accelerate the energy transition through the development of critical renewable resources, consolidating and advancing research and practice, and directly contributing to the emerging sustainable energy systems of tomorrow.

The Woodhead Series in Bioenergy is particularly interested in acquiring content that supports and advances the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG7 (Affordable and clean energy), SDG12 (Responsible consumption and production), and SDG13 (Climate Action).

The Woodhead Series in Bioenergy actively supports diversity in our author, editor, and contributor teams, and recognises the need for appropriate, inclusive, and diverse representation within our books.

If you are interested in publishing a book in the series, please contact:

Dr. Peter Adamson, Senior Acquisitions Editor for Renewable Energy

[email protected] opens in new tab/window

Prof. Yves Gagnon, Series Editor, Woodhead Series in Bioenergy, Elsevier

Université de Moncton, Canada

[email protected] opens in new tab/window


Researchers, academics, consultants, policy makers, and the technical and scientific community involved in the development and implementation of bioenergy systems for energy production and the related disciplines.

Series Editor

Yves Gagnon


Yves Gagnon


Université de Moncton, Canada Adjunct Professor, Thaksin University, Thailand

Read more about Yves Gagnon
Woodhead Series in Bioenergy

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Woodhead Series in Bioenergy

Journal Partnership

The Woodhead Series in Bioenergy is partnered with Elsevier's journals Biomass and Bioenergy, Bioresource Technology, and Bioresource Technology Reports. if you have primary research to publish, we encourage you to consider them. opens in new tab/window opens in new tab/window opens in new tab/window

Woodhead Series Volumes
