Series Editor
Hassan Abbas Khawaja
Associate Professor
University of Norway
Associate Professor Hassan Abbas Khawaja BEng EMBA MPhil PhD(Cantab) MIET PE CEng Dr. Khawaja is currently serving as Associate Professor at the Department of Automation and Process Engineering and Research Group Leader of IR, Spectroscopy, and Numerical Modelling Research Group at UiT-The Arctic University of Norway, where he is responsible for lecturing, developing/revising curriculums, assessing, supervising bachelor's, master's, doctorate's students, and leading research projects as principal/co-principal investigator.
He is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), Professional Engineer (PE), and holds the posts of Vice President of the International Society of Multiphysics (ISoM), and Director & Chair at the Global Listening Centre (GLC). He is also Chairman of the Board and Founding Member of the start-up, ‘Windtech AS’. Dr. Khawaja is the recipient of the Multiphysics Student Award back in 2009. He took the role of Coordinator for MULTIPHYSICS Conferences in 2010. He is also the Editorial Manager of The International Journal of Multiphysics (ISSN: 1750-9548).
Dr. Khawaja studied his Doctorate at Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, thesis title: “CFD-DEM Simulations of Two Phase Flow in Fluidised Beds”, which he defended in December 2012. He worked as a Post Doctorate on project title: “Multiphysics Investigation of Composite Shell Structures Subjected to Water Shock Wave Impact in Petroleum Industry”, funded by the Research Council of Norway (NFR) PETROMAKS with Professor Moatamedi and Professor Souli.
Since then he has collaborated with scientists/researchers in 22 higher education institutions in 13 countries: China, Ethiopia, France, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States. He has also collaborated with 13 industry/business/governmental organizations. He has published 80+ publications in the form of patent, books, journal articles, conference proceedings, and given 120+ conferences, seminars, keynotes, plenaries, invited talks, lectures, and presentations. He is also the recipient of distinguished prizes such as the W F Reddaway Prize, Commonwealth Scholarship, and President Gold Medal.