Conference speaker

Vania Zuin Zeidler
Leuphana University, Germany
Invited lecture: Sustainable Chemistry and Agriculture, Regenerative Systems, Biomass and Bioresources
Dr. Vania Zuin Zeidler is a Full Professor at the Institute of Sustainable Chemistry at Leuphana University (Germany), and currently the Pro-Dean of Gender and Diversity, the Coordinator of the new Master Program "Sustainability Science: Resources, Material Flows and Chemistry (M.Sc.)"
and the Chair of the PhD Committee Dr. rer. nat. at the Faculty/School of Sustainability. Her background is Green and Sustainable Analytical Chemistry and Green and Sustainable Chemistry Education, with major interests in developing analytical methods that are incipient to determine renewable and bioactive high-value substances extracted from agro-industrial residues (separation science).
Prof. Zuin Zeidler was a member of the Brazilian Chemistry Society and, in 2012, she founded the Green Chemistry Section, being its coordinator until 2017. She also has established a well-structured network between industries, governmental and non-governmental sectors to improve research and application of Green and Sustainable Chemistry knowledge all over the world.
She was the Founding Director of the Field & Food Tech Hub -UFSCar, a RD&I platform aiming at being a centre of excellence in green technologies and sustainability in resilient agro-industrial sectors in all aspects, from farm to fork.
Prof. Zuin Zeidler is author of several publications of high impact in the areas of her expertise and has been invited to give several lectures in the academic and industrial sectors. Recent distinctions include the 52o and 57o National Literary Jabuti Awards (Brazil), the title of Honorary Visiting Fellow at the University of York (UK), the IUPAC 2014 CHEMRAWN VII Prize for Atmospheric and Green Chemistry, the title of Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), the ACS-CEI Award for Incorporating Sustainability into Chemistry Education, sponsored by the ACS (USA) and Fellow of the Robert Bosch Foundation and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at Leuphana (Germany), Visiting Professor at the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence, University of York (UK) from 2013 to 2023, and the "expert voice" at Science Journal (AAAS) since 2023.