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Conference speaker

Stephane Parola


Stephane Parola


University of Lyon, France

Dr. Stephane Parola is Professor at the University of Lyon and Director of the Chemistry Laboratory of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) of Lyon, France.

He received a PhD European Label from the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France) and Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) in 1996, and the habilitation to supervise research from University Lyon 1 in 2004.

His research achievements are in the fields of molecular precursors of materials, chemistry of inorganic and hybrid materials, colloidal chemistry, powders, thin films and monoliths, synthesis and surface modification of nanomaterials, properties of materials. He is interested in applications related to photonics, environment or medicine. In particular, he designedoriginal solid-state non-linear optical filters, explored the chemistry and properties of plasmonic nanomaterials, photocatalytic materials, or investigated processes towards colloids synthesis and particles assemblies. he reported over 110 publications and 16 patents with several transfers to industry and one spin-off company.