Conference speaker

Paul Royster
Retired Coordinator of Scholarly Communications
University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Paul Royster is the recently retired manager of the UNL Digital Commons at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where he had served since 2005 and built the 3rd largest and the most-visited IR in America—now approaching 100 million downloads. At Nebraska he also founded a library publishing imprint, Zea Books, with more than 160 original titles. Paul was one of the first generation of IR managers, and he helped define repository success and assisted bepress in the ongoing development of the Digital Commons infrastructure. Before his life in IRs, Paul earned a PhD from Columbia, and worked for 20 years in publishing for the Library of America, Barron’s Educational Series, Yale University Press, and the University of Nebraska Press. He continues to develop new digital publishing projects and consults on a range of scholarly communications issues.