
Pablo Domínguez de María
Sustainable Momentum, Spain
Keynote Lecture: Greener chemistry and (bio)catalysis: Follow the metrics
Dr. habil. Pablo Domínguez de María is the Founder, CSO and CEO of Sustainable Momentum, S.L, a consultancy firm providing technical expertise in biorefineries, biocatalysis and sustainable chemistry, as well as strategic support for innovation and training activities in European Projects.
He holds BSc´s in Pharmacy and Chemistry, and a PhD in Biocatalysis (2002). He worked in industry for several years (2003-2005 at Evonik AG, in Germany, and 2005-2009 at AkzoNobel BV in the Netherlands) being involved in different projects regarding sustainable chemistry, organocatalysis, neoteric solvents and white biotechnology. In 2009 he joined RWTH Aachen University in Germany (Technical Chemistry Department, ITMC) as Group Leader, obtaining his Habilitation in 2015 (Thesis: Bio-based catalysis for petroleum-free biorefineries and fine chemicals). In 2014 he started his activities at Sustainable Momentum SL. He has (co)authored/edited several technical books, is (co)inventor of several patents, and has published over 145 publications (>8600 overall citations, google scholar).